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Search results for query: *

  1. roddy17

    Grouping related records, comparing fields of those records

    I have created a select query based on my Table1. The query grabs all records where the field Similar is not blank. (this field has various codes stored in it). What i want to do is match up the various codes (e.g. all the ones are grouped, the two's are grouped, etc.) and then compare...
  2. roddy17

    Email contents of specific forms to different email addresses

    hi there I am trying to create an Access 2000 application that will send an email to which ever person is selected. But i'm not sure how to do this or where to begin with coding the email part. I am trying to make this as simple to use as possible for some of my users. I created a...
  3. roddy17

    Involuntary forced page break between sections.

    Well, somehow i got the report to work so that it prints the controls without a forced page break. I think that it was the "Keep Together" property and setting it to No. Problem solved. Report works. roddy
  4. roddy17

    Involuntary forced page break between sections.

    Just to continue, I have even checked to see that the sections (such as Detail, Group Footer, etc.) on the report have Force New Page set to none. And each of them has a Can Grow and a Can Shrink and i have set those properties to Yes. I have also set the Keep Together property to No any...
  5. roddy17

    Involuntary forced page break between sections.

    hi, It seems like Access 97 forces a page break between the Detail section and Group Footer section of a report. why is that and is there a way to get rid of it? I wouldn't use the Group Footer section but the Detail section is not long enough for the data that i need in the report. In fact...
  6. roddy17

    automatic dbase compacting

    Hi i found some code on a website that talks about automatically compacting an Access database. I cannot find any method of replying to them however. So i am asking you if you can tell me where i should put this code. Does it get placed somewhere within my database, or is it external to my...
  7. roddy17

    Report detail not long enough

    hi I've looked around a bit for an answer to this but i cannot find it addressed anywhere. I'm just wondering if there is a way to extend Access 97 report detail section to make it longer. What i've had to do is create 2 separate reports because the detail section in one isn't long enough...
  8. roddy17

    Report Text box values dependant upon check box value on form

    hi i have a report where there is a heading and then 8 labels which may be displayed under that heading. (These 8 labels are determined by using check boxes to select from 8 options on the main form.) So far i've gotten my report to only show the label(s) which is/are checked on the main form...
  9. roddy17

    Selecting a record

    Ok, I'll try again. I have a form with a combo box on the top and one of those multi page Tab forms underneath the combo box. The user has the ability to choose a Product from the combo box. The rest of the information from the record of the Product shows up in the Tab form. That part works...
  10. roddy17

    Selecting a record

    hi there, I have a problem which i think may sound like an easy solve, but then again who knows. Anyway, I have a combo box which lists Products. The user can select one, and then the related information is displayed in the Tab Control subform beneath. The only problem is if the user clicks...
  11. roddy17

    Hi there, I've really appreciated

    Thanks Ben I love your idea of going with the option group, unfortunately there is a possibility of more than one option being checked at the same time. But that's ok, we've got a start in the right direction. I think that your syntax is correct, I'm not getting any errors with it. It's just...
  12. roddy17

    Hi there, I've really appreciated

    Hi there, I've really appreciated the help that i've gotten from reading and submitting posts to Tek tips. I have a report that i want to produce. A simple looking report. It just displays a list of product where the criteria is true. On one of my forms, i have a list of 8 hard coded...
  13. roddy17

    set focus to a form that may open but hide behind the main form

    Hi I have a main form which has a command button that opens a modal 'options' form. I can click on any option i want on the modal form and it works fine. Then i close that form and go back to the modal form. Any option i click after that goes into "hiding" behind the main form...
  14. roddy17

    Justify text in a textbox on a report

    Hi there, I am wondering if there is any way of justifying text that appears on a text box. On the form, it doesn't really matter how the text looks in the text box, but my superior wants me to produce a professional looking report (where the blocks of text are justified) so that he can give it...
  15. roddy17

    form based on two tables, use a query which creates inner join?

    i have a couple of questions which are gonna sound real simple but i've drawn a blank as to how to solve these issues. 1) I have two tables that are related and i want a form to be based on the both of them. What i have done was use a query which has the two tables in it as the source for the...
  16. roddy17

    Disable an option on a Customised Menubar

    hi there, i have a custom menubar with multiple commands. There is one though that i only want enabled (or visible if possible) when the user is viewing a report on the screen. i thought of creating a separate menubar for this button (Close Report) but that would look less than...
  17. roddy17

    Values not appearing on printing of report

    nicely done Janel The IsNull segment of code works very nicely. For some reason i guess it apparently tests something that = Null or =" " may not test. thank you vm roddy
  18. roddy17

    Values not appearing on printing of report

    hi there again, well i was able to make things appear and disappear depending on the value of a check box, thankyou for your help with that. Now, i'm trying to make things appear or disappear depending on whether or not there is a value in a text box on the form. here is the segment of code i...
  19. roddy17

    Open report without printing using DoCmd

    hi Jeff, by gosh i think we've got it. With your ammendment to the code and a couple of other subtle changes, this report thing is working. and thanks to you, i will be able to make the deadline to have this database system online for testing. again, thanks vm roddy
  20. roddy17

    Open report without printing using DoCmd

    well, i gave that a shot but it's giving me an error message - Run-time error '3075' Syntax error (missing operator in query expression '([Mandate Name]= . . . It's interesting. I'm trying a few different things to see if i can get this to do what i want. Apparently i'm still not doing...

Part and Inventory Search
