This is what I got, its not connecting with the username in the box but with a generated name the prog adds when connecting to one of thier chatrooms with no name "anon_snfki42", It connects with that name and then automactically disconnects. Im pretty sure I know why, because I dont have the...
Its on a chat host, the indiviual who is hosting the room is on a virtual server, so I would have to do something like
With TcpClient1.Socket do
RemoteHost := IP.Text;
RemotePort := IntToStr(Port.text);
Active := True;
If (TcpClient1.socket.Active := True) then...
You should check around, I remember writting out one that gets these drives names and thier propeirtys from code I editted on there.
Hope it helps!
I am having a small problem. In VB6, I made an app that connects to a chat application threw packets. here is an example:
Winsock1.Send Chr(&H4B) & Chr(&H00) & Lenth(Username) ect ect ect lol
This is the packet I need to implicate in my Delphi application:
4B 00 02 E3 0B 06 1E CD 78 C1...
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