I'm running Unix/Apache/PHP4/Mysql 3.23.41
I have one particular table that keeps reverting back to an old version, it appears, losing more recent data as it does so. When I went to sleep last night, it had 215 Buyers in the table, when I woke up I had 70, and these were older records. I had...
Several ways.
You can copy the database or individual tables to another named yourname-backup or whatever. This is the easiest.
You can do a dump into an sql series of statements - see mysqldump
You can extract the data into a text file and load it in later. Select INTO OUTFILE is what you...
kill any mysql processes, than restart with the safe_mysqld command.
On my UNIX system, ps will show the processes
I have to execute safe_mysqld from the directory above, by going ./bin/safe_mysqld
I have MySQL 3.23 db with columns in which unix timestamp is stored. I want to convert these columns to datetime format (for human readability reasons).
How do I write the update call?
startstamp is the column with the UNIX timestamp
I made an extra column startdtg to hold the result, and then...
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