This is what I did under UNC mapping
On My computer The network driver looks like this (without any letter associated to it)
Exports on '\\server\Drive1\folder1\folder2'
is this what you mean? After doing this should I create a ODBC system DSN??
I have mapped the drive as \\servename\folder1\folder2 to a letter X on the CRYSTAL ENTEPRISE XI server.
and I could browse through the file, by clicking the folder from the server.
I added the report to Crystal enterprise and then in PROCESS->DATABASE->
the defaults came like this
Move the CSV file to a common drive, and use UNC mapping in the ODBC connection "
>>> I have placed the file on a common drive and mapped it on my computer.. However I couldnt understand completely the following statement. Can you please help me by explaining this?
"" you also need to have the...
The windows server on which crystal enterprise is installed I went to Administrative tools -> ODBC connections and added the System DSN to access this CSV file. Does this suffice?
I am using BUSINESS OBJECTS ENTERPRISE XI and I am having a strange problem.
using crystal reports XI, I have designed a report that generate report out of a CSV file which is present internal harddrive and the report is coming well. I am using a ODBC connection ( Microsoft Text driver) to...
Thanks lbass and mocgp for your valuable suggestions.
DatePart("ww",{currentdate}) may return the week number that may not be same as that of my fiscal year week number.
Actually my fiscal year starts on 09/25/2005 and ends on 09/26/2006
Also By using Datepart, can we determine fiscal year...
If I got you correctly, you are suggesting me to have metadata layer... am I right?
and obviously 50 million records, were grouped and aggregated on the report. so the report doesnt print 50 million as such.
Actually I have divided our company fiscal year into 52 weeks. and I have week start date and end date.
Suppose, when user selects wk5 then I will use this input parameter {?week} that has value 5, to determine the {@stdt} and {@enddt}
case 1: mm/dd/yyyy
case 2...
I am running a huge sales report ( over 50 million records) using Crystal Report XI and while reading the records, the Crystal reports is abruptly closing with out displaying anything.
is there any limitation on no of records that can get processed in Crystal Reports XI version?
I am using Crystal reports XI.
I am having a problem of determining the record selection based on the user input parameters
Input Parameters
I have defined two formulas @stdt @enddt which determines the start and end dates based on the week selected by user.
Thanks lbass for your continued and excellent support.
I did restore the grouping on Store and now most of the cases have been taken care except ONE case.
Records are Grouped by ITEM, SLSDATE, STORE
Records sorted by
prc_effdt -descending and...
I think, the problem might be,
Maximum({@enddate},{table.Salesdt}) will always returning the maximum @enddate for a {table.Salesdt}
where as I have records like this
Item store slsdate price prc_effdt prc_expdt Qty
001 001 23-Apr-06 $2.0 17-Apr-06 13-May-06 10
001 001...
Can you please help me with this doubt regarding this suggestion ?
for the same example:
Item store slsdate price prc_effdt prc_expdt Qty
001 003 23-Apr-06 $2.0 17-Apr-06 NULL 10
001 003 23-Apr-06 $1.0 14-May-06 03-Jun-06 10
001 003 23-Apr-06 $0.99 04-Jun-06...
whats happenning in this case is, the endprice is becoming ZERO.
if {@enddate} = maximum({@enddate},{table.salesdate}) then
price := {table.price} else
price := 0;
Reason being, {@enddate} has NULL value where as table.salesdate is '23-Apr-2006'.
Hi lbass,
I am opening this post once again because, of the problem that I am running into.
Sales data is grouped by ITEM and SALESDATE and then SORTED BY STORE ASC,
price_effdt ASC,
price_expdt DESC
i tried your suggestion, that calculates the endprice, however it is not working...
Is there any possibility to convert a user input parameter to ANY?
Scenario :
user can pick one/many products from the product list available as a input parameter.
if user selects 000 (not a valid product, but instead our own code that represents 'All products') , then by using any formula...
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