Sorry, I don't have time to explain the complexities of what I have to work with. Normalization is NOT an issue. You shouldn't jump to conclusions without facts. That response is such a knee-jerk reaction here.
Ok, I'm doing something wrong here.
Do While Not rs.EOF
For Each fld In rs.Fields
If Right(fld.Name, 3) = "exp" Then
TotAuth = TotAuth + fld.Value
ElseIf Right(fld.Name, 3) = "net" Then
TotNetAuth = TotNetAuth + fld.Value
End If
Next fld
Thanks, that got me on the track, now I just need to tell it to ignore the last field. That's the one to be updated and it is null untill then. It also happens to end in "net".
I have a table that has multiple fields with names that end in a specific string, e.g. "net" and "exp". I need to come up with a way to add all the 'net" fields in a row, as well as all the "exp" fields. These two totals will be updating the last two fields in the table. I'm looking for a way...
I had this problem long ago with WSS 2.0 and solved it, but I cannot find the setting in WSS 3.0. My Links List on the front page will not expand past 20 items, instead giving me the "More Links..." link after the 20th item. So I have items 21 and 22 that no one can see without opening another...
OK, I switched to a JavaScript version and it will print a hard coded address. I need to have it pull the values displyed on the page at the time the button is clicked. I need to get the results from the DetailsView into the DymoLabel.SetAddress part of the script as a string, with appropriate...
I'm attempting to print data from a gridview to a Dymo Label Printer via Client-side Scripting. I'm getting an error on line 9: "Object doesn't support this property or method". I'm trying to pull the data into a string value to feed to the printer function. Here is my page code:
OK, back at work and double checking, have a small problem.
this code:
CInt(Format([last activity date], "d"))
That I thought was working is not. With a last activity date of 01/26/2008 I should get a result of 5, but I am getting 26. It seems to be counting from the beginning of the month and I...
Sorry, trying to do things a piece at a time. I wanted to understand what it was trying to do so I could maybe learn something rather than just having someone do stuff for me. I plugged your second code into a query and it works great, thanks, now to deal with those null entries.
I'm sorry, that code looks like you are subtracting the last activity date from itself? And how does it give me the number of days? I may be a bit thick today...
I have to calculate how many days from the last day of the previous month a certain date was. I have a table that contains the last activity date, I need to calculate howmany days between that date and the last day of the previous month. I'm drawing a blank here.
I am building a table of totals that are rolled up from groups. I can get all my totals into the table by looping through a rs that changes my sql and then appends the results to the table.
I have 2 fields that I need to update on each loop with the values from my rs. I cannot seem to get it...
This is working very well, it is very wonderful. You have no idea the problems this has solved. Imagine having 196 agents you need to generate reporting for and having to maintain 3 sets of reports in about 27 different versions depending on what they should see. This means I can now have one...
I set the "can shink" property to yes and they do consolidate. Yay! Now to see if I can get this code to work. In my data there are non 0 values. When running the code everything was displaying as 0. This is obviously not giving correct results. I will try your modification.
Yes, that's exactly how it is working. Since all values are 0 it makes everything invisible. Yes I used the same tag for each group of controls. But in my data not all values are 0, so either I am checking for the wrong thing and getting a false positive, or there is no data during the...
Yes, the debug window is showing all values as 0 and setting all visible properties to False. I have no Null values, this is a currency field(always), so if it doesn't have an amount it will be 0. Do I need to match for currency formatting? As to Tag properties I simply assigned a name that...
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