I would like to display a directory tree on a form that would then allow the user to select from the displayed files, but also to navigate through a directory tree.
Does anyone know of any components that I could use, or an easy way of building such a tree?
I now have solved the problem. I got rid of the DefaultExt altogether and set the FilterIndex equal one of 3 constants which I defined to have the values 1,2 and 3. It simply takes the nth entry in the filter list. So in my example Word would be 2 and I pass a constant called defWord to my...
Ok. So now here comes a dumb question:
What do I need to set the FilterIndex to?
Can you show me the code you used that worked so I am sure I am not missing something?
Thanks again.
It is this line that doesn't seem to be working:
commonDialog1.DefaultExt = def_ext
I set def_ext = "*.doc" and it still shows "*.xls" in the popup. Where and how would I apply vbNullChar?
Thanks a million!
Thanks for this. I am using comdlg32.dll. Maybe my mail wasn't clear, or perhaps I misunderstand you, but my question is concerning the default extension for the dialog box. I want to be able to select Word documents as being the initial filter. The filter selection dropdown is working as I have...
I have created the following function to show a popup file selection window. It works great except for one thing, it does not accept the default string properly, or rather it ignores it. What I have tried to do is to pass "*.doc" as the default extension but it does not take. Does anyone have...
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