Here is a copy of my running config. ANy help would be great.
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1289 bytes
version 12.2
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Cisco1
enable secret 5...
Thanks for all the help. Most everything is working now. The only thing i can't do now is get to my webserver from inside my network. It works fine from outside the network but when i try and connect to my website from inside my network, i get an error that page not displayed. Any ideas...
Not sure if my ISP has DHCP with mac reservations. All i want to do with this 2600 is basicly use it as a gateway. Have my internet flow through it. Here is a copy of my config. Maybe someone can show me what i am doing wrong
version 12.2
service timestamps debug uptime...
I have a cisco 2621 router. I would like to configure it so that my internet access runs through it. I have cable high speed with a static IP. Can you please give me the steps i need to take? Also, i have servers behind this route that i will need access to. 1 server is a windows 2003 server...
I have a Cisco 2600 series router that has no flash image. It must have been erased. Does anyone out there have a basic image i can load on my router to get it up and running?
Thanks in advanced
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