abcd = "run /n explorer c:\program files\"
doesn't satisfy me. I have plenty of files to use it with. Actually, I often don't even know names of these files - this is why I wrote about passing names as variables.
I tried to modify the second case, but after doing .prg I...
I have already made an OLE document tree, but I would like to add another interesting thing - make the program run Windows's Explorer with the directory of selected file.
I tried to use "Run" command, but I guess, that I have problem with passing the variable:
abcd = "c:\program files\"...
Thanks, Brian - your advise almost working. :-)
I've solved the problem. The function is:
function zmienbox(nazwa,wart)
form1 = this.doc.getDrawPage().forms().getByIndex(0)
nazwa= m.form1.getByName(m.nazwa)
nazwa.state = wart
I've also changed the line in .dat file...
I tried to do, as you advised with changing rsa to string
(zmienBox("rsa",1) && rsa is a string)
and the result was, that I've achieved error: "File zmienbox.prg does not exist" (although I compile the VFP project with this function in one of .prg files).
I am sure, that code
form1 =...
I am trying to create Writer document (.sxw) based on DBF by Office Automation in VFP.
I have prepared function to change value of chceckbox in one of .prg files:
FUNCTION zmienBox(nazwa,wart)
form1 = this.doc.getDrawPage().forms().getByIndex(0)
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