havent had time to setup kiwi yet, but i will tonight. Anything else you might think it can be. When a user connects with ipsec they should have one default gateway or two ?? cause before i wasnt getting gateway on vpn connection, and now (after we turned off split tunneling) after i connect i...
Right now im currently at work and behind a router doing nat, but heres the log and my routing table on pc.
Cisco Systems VPN Client Version
Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Client Type(s): Windows, WinNT
Running on: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
So you want me to statically assign which interface with oustide pix ip?? I want to use split tunnel, and i want ip info to be automatic. What do u all think we need to add?? There are no firewalls on the client pc's. :(
yes it does.. but when i connect to the VPN, the default gateway is not present and i cannot get on the web. Once i disconnect the vpn client, default gateway is back, and i can surf the web.
User Access Verification
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
pix> ena
Password: ********
crypto_isakmp_process_block:src:, dest: spt:500 dpt:500
OAK_AG exchange
ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 0
ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP...
Were getting closer !! But still cant ping my 03 server on 10.25.19.x subnet :(
pix(config)# wr term
Building configuration...
: Saved
PIX Version 6.3(5)
interface ethernet0 100full
interface ethernet1 100full
interface ethernet2 auto shutdown
interface ethernet3 auto shutdown
Thanks for the reply dude.. i tried those steps, but still nada.. what else u think it might be ?
pix(config)# wr term
Building configuration...
: Saved
PIX Version 6.3(5)
interface ethernet0 100full
interface ethernet1 100full
interface ethernet2 auto shutdown
interface ethernet3 auto...
Im sure you can answer this... my inside network is 10.25.19.x and my vpn pool is 172.15.38.x. I can log in with cisco vpn client, but i cant get to my shares on the inside network, sounds like a access lists issue, but can u take a look. Also is there anything else in this config that u see...
Well i just got me a 515E, and i know sooner or later ASA is taking over... so my question is, How long will pix still be around and on the blueprint. Did i do a smart thing by buying this??
Actually with xmodem you change the baud to 115200 (in both rommon and hyperterminal) and the syntax should be xmodem -c ios.bin. Then when it says ready to receive file....on hyperterminal you click on transfer (on top) then hit send file. When you do this a dialog box will pop up and under...
I was setting up intervlan routing between my 3640 and my 2924. Everything on the 1924 is setup correctly. Port is set to trunk and i set encapsulation as well as portfast. But when i go into the 3640's fa subinterface and i do a ? the encapsulation command is not listed. The current ios on my...
I was setting up intervlan routing between my 3640 and my 2924, but when i try to set the encapsulation on the sub interface of my 3640 fa port the encapsulation command is not listed. I have ios c3640-i-mz. I read something about the ios needs to include Ip plus which is ios c3640-is.mz. Can...
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