Citrix Metaframe XP
We are having an issue where users are being loggout as soon as they are logging. It appears to start on one server which already has users logged in. If we remove the server from the farm then another server does the same thing. If we reboot the server and put it back in...
I had a similar problem on a NS25 - logged it to Juniper TAC and this is what they said. I haven't tried it yet as system is live
by default, VPN tunnels will timeout if there is no activity after 1 hour. To specify
the timeout for the VPN, create a custom Phase 2 proposal, and specify the...
Hi there,
I have one of these in my log. Does anyone know how to work out what it means?
06/16/2006 10:01:49.99 <Crit:KERN> Sys-health-check [EXT] checksum error (fast-p
ath) on slot 4 prev=0 cur=4 701026-12 0026F-35905
You shouldn't need to set up a separate zone as the VPN is bound to the virtual router and the interface on the public side.
Ideally you need to be able to create another MIP on the Sonicwall to MAP the inside addresses to a tunnel interface address or at least NAT once to a single address on...
I have my policies set this way
set policy id 975827 from "Trust" to "Untrust" "Any" "MIP(" "ANY" Permit log
I then have a reverse policy which maps untrust back to trust.
Have you set up vpn 2 sonic as an object in a different zone?
Do you get the VPN phase 2 working so the...
I am trying to get a pair of Trunk ports to be resiliant as well as load balanced. I seem to have the load balance bit but when I ping my server and pull out either of the UTPs on the ports the pings stop.
Here's the output. Both Switches are 3560G I have two 100mb links between them and...
Hi there, you need to NAT before you tunnel across the vpn.
create a tunnel interface with an IP address eg and give it a range which isn't either of the the source or destination.
set interface "tunnel.2" mip host netmask vr "trust-vr"
We NAT...
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