thanks. it turns out there are actually a number of lines that need to be added. is there a quick fix to moving tomcat into a different directory than the default /usr/... one, or do i need to poke around until i've found all the false references?
I am trying to start up tomcat here on my unix server, but I get this:
creating `/usr/local/tomcat/logs/catalina.out': No such file or directory
My tomcat server is not located in /usr/local/tomcat/. How can I change the $CATALINA_HOME variable so that it points to the correct directory?
also, here's something that is really weird and might be related.
in my file, common.loader is originally:
Then, when I append one line at the end...
i was hoping that restarting it would fix this problem, but for some reason a handful - about 1/2 - of the webapps suddenly can't start. when i run the admin program, and examine the contexts for any programs that are not running, there is always an error saying that an attribute could not be...
I ran
su -u tomcat ./
and got:
./ /proj/bo/apps/db-dev/apps/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28-bo/bin/catalina.s: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
./ line 38: /proj/bo/apps/db-dev/apps/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28-bo/bin/ Success
I then tried...
Tomcat is running on a unix server. My computer is not that server. I was told to "sudo tomcat" and then run the shutdown script in order to shut the server down. How do I do this? I'm not acquainted with the sudo command on unix.
There's no tomcat in my task manager b/c this computer's not the server - I'm on a company computer. Tomcat seems to be crashing and I want to shut it down and restart it. What do I do? Please help.
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