I'm working on a login page. My previous plan was to create a session variable called name which would be set to either "guest" or the member's name depending on whether the login was successful.
I've decided now to change this and I'm only going to create a session variable only if the login...
I am thinking of implementing some javascript code to automatically change the options of a drop down list depending on the values of other drop down lists. The problem I am getting is that in internet explorer ( with Windows XP sp 2) my script is blocked by default.An information bar says that...
I am in the process of converting a form which uses the post method to one which uses the get method
The current form reads
<cfform name="qSearch" method="post" action="index.cfm?page=cresults#session.amper##session.URLTOKEN#">
My question is, is there any way of using the "get" method but...
I came across a site recently which had 2 yes / no radio buttons where you had to click whether you were a member or not.
If you clicked yes, then the form changed to elements where you could input login info. If you clicked no, the form changed to include a completely new form containing...
Yes I am using CF7.
Would it be a viable solution to use session variables instead of URLS. If so, is around 14 1 number or 1 word variables too many per query?
I have a query which I am calling with <CFInvoke>. I am passing this query about 12 parameters ( a mixture of numbers and strings) The numbers range from 0 to 10000 and the strings are generally 1 word but one string could be up to 10 words
I have placed these paramameters inside a session...
Is it ok to introduce a variable in a page as follows
<cfparam name="somevar" default="1">
And then update its value with links
somepage.cfm?somevar=20 etc
I have seen this quite a lot recently and I'm not sure if it is good practice. Should somevar be explicitly scoped ? <cfparam...
Thanks for your help.Although it is not a good idea to needlessly drop and re-create tables, I feel that a robust server should be able to accommodate this - it is after all a basic server task.
Ive found a problem with Coldfusion and SQL Server 2005
I utilised a .sql script to create tables
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[CLSFD_AdBlocks]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CLSFD_AdBlocks](
[BlockID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT...
Is it possible to generate a .sql script in the sql server 2000 format using sql server 2005
I would like to generate a script in this format using 2005
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[CLSFD_AdBlocks]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
I've come across a problem with SQL Server 2005.When I make changes to my table design, I tend to adjust the .aql file myself and re-execute it. (Maybe this is not a good idea?) I have found that when I re-execute the script in SQL Server 2005 Developer edition then I get the following error...
Are you trying to pass the query column name as a variable?
If so:
<cfset myVar='somequery.'&colID>
<cfoutput query = "someQuery"....>
Value in first column is #Evaluate(myVar)#
...This is exactly what I was after. My only concern is that I have read that Evaluate() is not...
I've been playing around with changing the number of rows returned using
SELECT TOP 10 FirstName, LastName, BirthDate
FROM Persons
ORDER BY LastName, FirstName
Is it possible to amend the code so that it returns rows 30 to 40 for example?
I've been looking around. I don't think there is a better solution to the problem. I read somewhere that Microsoft admitted this. This way I can get it to work well. Thanks
My select statement is very long and I don't want to have to copy it into 2 sections if I can avoid it.
The structure I am trying is this, which follows on from the SELECT statement. All variables have been declared.
If @SortDirection = 'DESC'
ORDER BY Case When @SortBy =...
The Error I am getting is as follows
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InitClsfd_qry, Line 200
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'.
This refers to CASE @SortDirection
I have read that SQL Server is very fussy about the positioning of DESC or ASC.
Using the following code to try to order my results but it's flagging an error. What's the correct way ?
CASE @SortBy
WHEN 'ItemPhoto' THEN ItemPhoto
CASE @SortDirection
WHEN 'desc' THEN DESC...
I am currently storing dates in my database as char(10)
I am using coldfusion to enter values formatted as follows :
In my stored procedure , I want to compare the date to now in order to filter a query. I am trying
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, ExpiryDate...
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