Im having some trouble with flash actionscript 3.. I have two movie clips, under one of them I have a button that should start the other movie clip. I cant find out how to tell the compiler to gotoAndPlay(2) on that specific movieclip. In actionscript 2 I would use...
I found a solution to my problem.
IdFTP->TransferType should be set to ftBinary, instead of ftASCII.
TransferType is a TIdFTPTransferType property that indicates the file transfer type currently in use for the FTP client, and can contain one of the following values:
ftBinary - Binary (8 bit)...
I'm using the component TIdFTP to upload some files to an FTP server. My problem is that for some files, only a fraction of the actual filesize is uploaded(1,49 kb out of 49,5 kb in one case). This seems to only happen if I try oploading .exe files, i havent had any problem with .txt files...
If you are refering to the Charecter set in the general selection of the project properties pages, it's set to "Use Unicode Charecter Set".
If not, any chance you can specify where I find it?
No.. it's not in cmd.exe, i want to print them from my own application..
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
I'm trying to make chess in a console application, and at the moment im just using letters to represent the pieces. I seen that in the utf-8 charecter set, you can find actual chess pieces, but im having some trouble printing them.
After looking on the net a bit, i have tried...
As subject states, I have trouble using LoadFromFile after having imported an image with a TOpenPictureDialog.
To import the picture, im using
I have a function started by clicking a button. It takes some time to run, however while running, the program freezes up, and doesn't update labels until it has reached the end.
Is there any way to prevent the program from freezing while running a function, or some way to have it update labels...
what i wanna do is, to be able to write a custom path in an edit box, and then open that folder clicking a button..
I tryed
ShellExecute("EXPLORE", "open", string , NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
the string is a widestring that i have saved the path to.
it would probally be bedst if I could take...
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