hi all!
I installed the PATROL(for DB2® Universal Database) in my server.
What is the db2kmapp.cur?
Is it the file?
in my server,I can't find db2kmapp.cur
I reorgnize online my table.(online reorg)
Um.. "NOTRUNCATE TABLE" I can't understand this option.
What's the mean "NOTRUNCATE TABLE
Hi all,
After a full offline restore of my dev database which reported as
completed successfully, I have got the following messages in
Can anyone please help me understand these error messages and what is
the impact on my database?
2006-01-06- I7308494A422...
I would like to know whether I can increase the size of the SQL statement in
DB2 because I am getting the following error message:
DB21006E The input command is too long. The maximum length is 65535.
Some applications inserts blobs or clobs in one sql statement.
If I can change the sql...
hi all
I have big problem.
my db is AIX5.3 DB2V8.2(FixPack 12)
and DCS catalog AS/400(5.1 830)
the problem is:
As/400->table nickname:web400.s@ch01a(federate wrapper)
AIX5.3 DB2V8.2->SNDCH01A
db2 " insert into web400.s@ch01a(RECSTS) select RECSTS from SNDCH01A fetch...
hi all
I have big problem.
my db is AIX5.3 DB2V8.2(FixPack 12)
and DCS catalog AS/400(5.1 830)
the problem is:
As/400->table nickname:web400.s@ch01a(federate wrapper)
AIX5.3 DB2V8.2->SNDCH01A
db2 " insert into web400.s@ch01a(RECSTS) select RECSTS from SNDCH01A fetch...
Hi All!
My DB is AIX5.3 DB2V8.1(FixPack10)
And DCS catalog AS/400(AS/400 830 OS/400 ver 5.1.5)
I only execute " select CODE(type:Decimal) from COMLIB.TB00Z" ,
SQL0304N A value cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host
variable's data type.
hi all!
While I restore db redirect, the error occured.
SQL2025N An I/O error "-40" occurred on media "TSM".
in db2diag.log
2006-05-20- Instance:crmsprod Node:000
PID:20790(db2med.36982.1 0) TID:1 Appid:none
database utilities sqluMCReadFromDevice Probe:102
Hi all!
when I only connect to mydb,Locks held by application=4294967293(app snapshot).
Also " select count(*) from TABname"
like Locks held by application=4294967293(app snapshot).
Snapshot Bug?
Locks held(lock snapshot)=0
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