my site has a preloader featuring some logic featuring the getBytesTotal function - will getBytesTotal take the swf's loaded via a loadMovie into account? The code is:
bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
getPercent =...
Trying to build a dropdown menu... i have menu_mc on my main stage. Menu_mc is an instance of movieClip menu... subBut1_mc is a instance of clip subBut1 on the menu movieClip.
my actionScript on the main stage is:
this.menu_mc.onRollOver = function() {
ugh - was able to get a connection using the 3.x driver that comes with cf7 to connect to a myswl 4.1 db... I am running a simple insert:
<cfquery name="addFoo" datasource="apFtp" debug="1" dbname="apFtp">
(usr_eml, usr_pwd)
VALUES ('foo','foo2')
apFtp is my...
GUJUm0deL - i guess the guts of the question is how do i set up a directory that i can download files from securely... i dont want people pulling stuff down that does not belong to them...
i came to the project late - it is for my uncles company and he set up the hosting
using godaddy coldfusion hosting for a project...
apache: 1.3
mysql: 4.0.24
cf: mx 7
I basically want to set up an engine to allow certain users to download zip files assigned to them... File FOO will only be allowed to be accessed by user JDOE, jdoe can access multiple files...
found a javascript image preloader -- works fantastic in FF but it coughs at the very end in IE...
the url to see it choke is:
code is:
<title>Blu - Loading Images</title>
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
<!-- begin hiding
Preload Image With...
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