I am using duplicate, What it does is removes the repeating records but in some cases it ignores certain records and I am not able to find which records it is missing as the results are huge. It affects the total amount which I am calculating.
How do I go about it.
I have a query which should return records irrespective of the field SHIP_METHOD_ID. The query is
"OePo_Item"."ITEM_ID" from
"OePo_Item","OeShipMethod","ArClient","OePo_Header","ApVendor" where
("OePo_Item"."SHIP_METHOD_ID" = "OeShipMethod"."SHIP_METHOD_ID" or...
I have two dates(range) which is entered through ASP form in MM/DD/YYYY format. The date in the table is stored as YYYYMMDD. I converted d1 and d2 to that form. It has to be checked with the date in the table.
"Select date1 from table1 where date1 between '" & d1 & "' and '" & d2 & "'"
I basically print COC which is a field in the table and need to increment the value of n and r depending on the value of COC. I need to display the value of n and r at the end of the report. The values of the field COC are 'N' and 'R'. I need the display to be as follows:
I have to check for conditions in the select statement. The coulumn to be checked is string
select.....................,substr(COC,1,1) as nr FROM .........................
How to use case statement while checking for substrings. The field COC contains either N or R.
I get an error "Incompatible types in expression"
rs.open "select OePo_Item.ITEM_ID,OePo_Item.DESC_1,convert(left(OePo_Header.PO_DATE,4)" & '-'& "right(left(OePo_Header.PO_DATE,6),2)" & '-' & "right (OePo_Header.PO_DATE,2),SQL_CHAR),UNITORDER_QTY+'/'+UNITCODE_QTY from OePo_Item,OePo_Header...
How do I concatenate two colums from a table with a '/'.
select column1,column2 from table1
The column1 and column2 have to be printed as one column with a '/' in between. How do I do it with concat function or is there any other method.
I have a table in Pervasive SQL. I am accessing it from ASP and getting certain fileds. I want the date field to be printed in MM/DD/YYYY format, whereas in the database it is stored as YYYYMMDD. How do I get around it.
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set rs =...
I have a table in Pervasive SQL. I am accessing it from ASP and getting certain fileds. I want the date field to be printed in MM/DD/YYYY format, whereas in the database it is stored as YYYYMMDD. How do I get around it.
Select table1.colum1,table1.column2 from table1.
<% while not...
I am trying to connect to Pervasive SQL where I have all the tables. My code is
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};ServerDSN=Quantum;ServerName=ntserver;dbq=Quantum"...
I am trying to connect to Pervasive SQL where I have all the tables. My code is
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};ServerDSN=Quantum;ServerName=ntserver;dbq=Quantum"...
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