I have tried
close $WriteFile
still get the permission denied on deleting Closed.1. Heres more of the code if its any use - I create a directory called Cleaned and move the resulting files there (not the Cleaned.x files)
cd [file dirname $DirPath]
file mkdir Cleaned
set CustomerCopy [open...
Thanks for your reply, im still getting the file permissions error. Heres the code :-
set CustomerCopy [open $DirPath r]
foreach line [split [read $CustomerCopy] ~] {
set WriteFile [open Cleaned.$fileno a+]
puts $WriteFile "$line"
close $WriteFile.$fileno
This basically reads a bunch of...
Hi all - I have some code which opens multiple files with extentions such as .1 .2 .3 etc.. I want to be able to delete these files at the end of code execution to 'clean up' for the user.
I have a TK interface with underlying TK/TCL code. However I am getting a permission denied on deleting...
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