I have this code and with Netscape dont work?
What can I do?
<script language="Javascript">
function validar()
var Numero = document.Form_Inf.CNumero.value;
var Site = document.Form_Inf.CSite.value;
var Depto = document.Form_Inf.Depto.value;
var Turno =...
I have a button and using the response.redirect I return to my previous page but I want to do that if I use my button or the back button for the navigator (e.j Internet Explorer 5.5) take the same efect and my previous page resive the values that I redirect.
This is my code
<% CUser= request("CUser") %>
<% Sistemas= request("Sistemas") %>
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "DSN=Requisicion;uid=sa;pwd="
sSQL="Select * from T_Inf_Personal where Username = '"...
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