I have a table and on another subform just field list textboxes.
In the table, I would like it to point to the recordset or highlight the recordset.
In the field list textboxes I would like simply to go to a specific record.
I am forming one table2 out of table1. I want to have the option to select a part# from the list in table1 and the description from table1 shows up in table2. Or select description in table2 from table1 and part# shows up in table2? Please Help me with this?
I have few text boxes and a subform with a table in it. They both are the same database. I want to click on a record in the subform table and making same record appear in the text boxes above.
I have two text boxes liked to a database table(part# & Description). How can I make it so if I select part# the description will automatically show up or vice versa?
Sorry for not being clear. What I have is a from with input boxes and under a subform with a table in it. I want to be able to see the updates automatically on the table.
I am new at access but I am trying to get a double lookup.
What I mean is that on one table I have Part# and Part Name
On the other table I want to have the option to lookup eather the Part# or Part Name but if I select Part# the Part Name will appear automatically and if I select Part Name the...
I am new at access but I am trying to get a double lookup.
What I mean is that on one table I have Part# and Part Name
On the other table I want to have the option to lookup eather the Part# or Part Name but if I select Part# the Part Name will appear automatically and if I select Part Name the...
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