I had no idea that switching the division symbol (/) to (\) made it so that the decimal places were truncated in MS Access. Thanks PHV! By the way, I thought MS Access was in the ANSI SQL family but I guess I was wrong. Sorry about that, but thanks for the help anyway, you've cleared a lot of...
Thanks guys for the responses. I tried both queries and JarlH, your untested query comes back with an error that I am currently trying to sort out. PHV, this one looks really useful but for some reason my MS Access doesn't like the TRUNCATE function....which is a function I REALLY need. I am...
Hi everyone and thank for reading my question, here it is:
I have a table as follows
stocktrades {
symbol Text
shares Integer
price Double
timestamp Long Integer (this is presented in hhmmss format but not using any mask.)
And I wish to...
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