well woke up this morning....and my download was still going ^_^ oh no joy like a 2.8 Gb file ready for you in the morning.
So it must be due to the network flipping a switch to cut me off when my net useage goes over....
E.G Same with steam and counter strike, that's why it works better when...
well, lets see checked all power settings...nothing unusuall there, so I decided to limit my Asureurs to 90KB dl Max and 20KB upload as I fear that maybe it is thing to do with bandwith overusage that is throwing a switch cutting me out the network...
I sat with it for 40 mins or so and nothing...
sorry for the double post...if I go to configure my wireless network "Belkin 802.11g network adapter" and click advanced it lists all these differnt functions or settings...most noticably RTS thresehold and fragmention thresehold...both set about 2347 which would make sense as I have 2MB...
well....Bad news, I went down to dinner leaving just Azureus running, when I came back the net had cut out. Red X over the wireless net connections and I had to "enable the wireless network" again, so it disables me from the network it is clear, so I need to figure out why...
well...let's see, changed my IP to static and forawrded the port I use for azuerus to my Router for a start to see if that will help, I will try turning off all the hibernate functions, but my pc is still on and running when I turn on the screen so now I feel it may have been a firewall issue as...
Well I have 2MB ISP shared over a wireless router 2 PC'S One laptop computer...
I connect from my PC one room away, and am using bittorent *Azureus* to download files, now they will go fine when I am on the pc and when I leave for a tiny while, but if I switch off my screen and go to sleep...
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