Just to add my comment:
It is absolutely a performance killer to place more than one paging space on the very same hdisk! As stated by someone here, the VMM uses a round robin method to access and spread I/Os to the different paging spaces. If you are paging out to many PS on different hdisks...
You are right about what to do. Savevg does save the metadata (structure) as well, thus it might be easier for you to use a simple tar (if not using any ACL functionallity at all).
What I'd do is:
- mount a filesystem via NFS from another server
- tar cpvf /nfsmount/mydata.tar /yourvg/*
Thanks to all!
I tried to answer yesterday but this site has had problems... The solution is to either boot or replace bosboot with a wrapper script that does not call bootinfo but searches the bootdisk by calling lslv -m hd5 and awk.
There seems to be no other possibility or workaround.
@Jim: This looks like cleaning up all ODM entries for the rootvg, but I don't think that the "last boot device" is in the ODM at all: I did some odmgets on CuAt and CuDv but couldn't locate any entry that might cause my problem. I think that the running kernel maintains this information in...
Thanks Jim, ut I don't think that this is the correct way to solve it (but have to confess that I did not read it entirely yet). Seems to recover more then I need as my problem is only a small one (in fact everything's working beside the smitty-complains-when-installing-software-problem)... ;-)...
Yes, this is working. But it is not only a matter of convenience NOT to type -ad /dev/hdiskX but smitty/installp is often running it, too. There MUST be any fix for this, otherwise one would have to reboot the server just to fix it...
Well, if of all thank you very much fpr the reply. But this does NOT solve it. See my output (I've done this before posting):
root@aix005:/dev>rm ipldevice
root@aix005:/dev>ln -f rhdisk0 ipldevice
root@aix005:/dev>ls -la | grep 14,\ \ [01]
brw------- 1 root system 14, 0 Mar 20...
And finally a third question:
If you're used to Linux, you'll probably know the "free" command. If someone is asking you about "how much free memory is left on this system right now", how can you EASILY determine this value?
Something like vmstat -o ?
Thanks a lot!
Hi all,
and just another question I always waanted to know:
If ssh'd to an HMC while being in a virtual terminal session of an LPAR, how can one close the vtterm session w/o disconnecting the ssh session?
Thanks a lot!
Hi all,
I often excountered a problem after migrating the whole rootvg from some disks to other disks. The problem occurs when running the bosboot -a command w/o the device flag set to a specific disk device. If one omits the device parameter, bosboot calls the bootinfo command to determine the...
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