<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<title>Read Card</title>
Set MyCardreader = Server.CreateObject("Cardreader.ReadCard")
ActionID = Request.QueryString("ActionID")
if ActionID = "" then
ActionID = "New"
end if
if ActionID = "New" then
Dim MyBaudrate...
Yes we do.
This my code.
Thanky you
Set MyCardreader = Server.CreateObject("Cardreader.ReadCard")
ActionID = Request.QueryString("ActionID")
if ActionID = "" then
ActionID = "New"
end if
if ActionID = "New" then
Bitte Klicken Sie den Button um Ihre Karte einzulesen.<br>...
Yes we do.
Set MyCardreader = Server.CreateObject("Cardreader.ReadCard")
ActionID = Request.QueryString("ActionID")
if ActionID = "" then
ActionID = "New"
end if
if ActionID = "New" then
Bitte Klicken Sie den Button um Ihre Karte einzulesen.<br>
Info: Sie haben 10 sekunden...
Hi Everybody,
I wrote an ActiveX DLL that connects to a magnetic card reader over the usb port. The ActiveX DLL works fine if the magnetic card reader is connected to the webserver, but what I would like it to do, is that a client connects to the page over the internet and when he presses on a...
Hi Chrissie1,
yes I thought of that, but that was the way I did NOT want to use :) It's a head breaker using webDav. Can u send me a sample code, becuase I really don't understand how it works...
If it doesn't work with the control I will have to do it that way.
Thanks again, from 6 forums you...
Thank you very much.
You saved my life and my nerves :) I voted for you as TipMaster :) You really are the greatest. Thanks, thanks, thanks :)
Hi everybody,
I am desparate, I can't get this code to work from an ASP.NET webpage.
Problem is when I try to retrieve contact information and I get to
MyDataRow("Tel.") = MyContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber, My App just hangs.
I think it is because normally a dialog box would open up and say...
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