Hi all, I have confront the problem when I assign the integer variable into the array form, can somebody tell me how to solve it?
Example vbscript:
temvar="10" ' Declare the variable and assign it
avar=CINT(temvar) ' Convert the variable into integer
' How should I do if want...
Hi all, I have confront the trouble to rename the tables in database. Like example, want to rename the table name called "Customer" to "TBCustomer". How should I do without using the way like open the server and find the database and just rename the particular table name? If want to rename...
hello guy, I'm write the Sql stamement and try to run on sql query analyzer and get the error message
The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.
I try to select the remark column and its data type is - Text
my sql stament include the sum and...
case1=case1 & " (action1="""" and action2="""" and
case1=case1 & " or (action1="""" and action2<>"""" "
if case1 then
end if
Error Occured: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: '[string: " (action1="" and act"]'
* I just want to use the...
Hi all, previously i'm using the VB 6.0 to connect the Crystal Report 8.5 that log on server code like " Call cryRpt.LogOnServer("pdsodbc.dll",....)", but right now when i want to call the report in Crystal Reports XI using VB 6.0, it generate error. Can somebody tell me why? Thank you..
hi guys, I'm just a beginner learn about the VB programming. Can somebody tell me how to connect to SQL server using the VB coding only and how to retrieve the field value from the tables? Thank you. ^_^
do while not rsdoc.EOF
if trim(rsdoc.Fields("fsourcedocno"))=trno then 'Cod1
if fremark<>"" then 'Cod2
response.Write("Hello, how are you")
Hello buddy, I have a problem of passing the Value in HTML Form to the VB Script function.
Like example: My Text1 value="1234&abc"
when pass the Text1 value to the Function(Text1.value), The Value pass in it will be 1234.
but the actual is 1234&abc. ( Client Side )
How Should I solve this...
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