Here is the exception:
Exception processing IDINVC 194924: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at ACCPACXAPILib.xapiFieldClass.set_Value(Object pVal)
That's the thing, it's not a set number of invoices that passes before it crashes. Sometimes 5 will go in, sometimes 20, sometimes 0 but it almost always eventually hits that error and crashes. The batch itself never posts because it crashes before it reachs that part of the code, but the...
Well it will import a few of the invoices and then fail with that exception. The insert on the details runs without any errors but then when the insert runs on the header it throws that exception. The data looks like it is fine.
Hi guys,
I just got thrown into working with our importer program and I'm having an issue with the AP Invoice importation. Every once in a while when I call the Insert() method it will throw a SystemAccessViolation and say that protected memory was trying to be accessed. Any ideas? Here's the...
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