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Search results for query: *

  1. malaygal

    Datagridview row font not resized when form is resized

    I have set all cells (column headers, row cells) of the Datagridview to 8.25 tahoma. When the form is resized, all the column header fonts are resized, but the rowcells remains at 8.25. I checked and set all the dgv font properties that I can think of (defaultcellstyle ...
  2. malaygal

    How to pass an object to a procedure

    Ok, I had this code working by implementing a close() function on all my user controls Public Function clone() As usrCtl1 Return DirectCast(Me.MemberwiseClone(),usrCtl1) End Function private sub dosomething(uc as UserControl) Dim myUC as New Object for i as integer = 0 to 3 myUC...
  3. malaygal

    How to pass an object to a procedure

    I created a bunch of usercontrol that I need to pass to a generic procedure that will copy and place them on a form. something like this: dosomething(usrCtl1) dosomething(usrCtl2) dosomething(usrCtl3) I tried this code but did not work. private sub dosomething(uc as UserControl) for i...
  4. malaygal

    Issue with creating Excel file using XML

    Sorry, I mean Using OpenXML
  5. malaygal

    Issue with creating Excel file using XML

    Environment: Visual Studio 2015 / .net 4.5.1 I am trying to create an excel file from my vb.net application. I am populating the file with database records. I was able to populate column A, but could not populate the rest of the columns. I got the code from docs.microsof.com and the code is...
  6. malaygal

    How to bulk insert Access table into SQL Server temp table without setting up Linked Server

    Thank you very much for the quick and helpful response. I was already able to successfully load an excel file using the MS ACE Driver with this code: Set @strsql = 'Select * ' + 'From openrowset('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'',''Excel 12.0 xml;HDR=No;IMEX=1;' + 'Database=.....' + 'Select * From...
  7. malaygal

    How to bulk insert Access table into SQL Server temp table without setting up Linked Server

    Environment is : SQL Server 2012 and Access 2000 database Here is my code: IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temptable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temptable; create table #temptable ( [LastName] varchar(50) ,[FirstName] varchar(50) ) INSERT INTO #temptable Select tbl1.LastName, tbl1.FirstName FROM...
  8. malaygal

    Problem with spaces in File and Folder names

    Thank you so much. It made the code easier to read and maintain.
  9. malaygal

    Problem with spaces in File and Folder names

    After much trial and errors, this work pinfo.Arguments = "e """ & zipFile & """ -O""" & unZipfldr & """ -p" & pwd
  10. malaygal

    Problem with spaces in File and Folder names

    I was hoping somebody can help mw with this, as I have been working on this for the past couple of days now. I am trying to automate unzipping of files as follows: Dim pinfo As New ProcessStartInfo pinfo.FileName = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" Dim zipFile As String =...
  11. malaygal

    Pivot rows into columns

    I have a sql table with these data Year Country Ranking Category 2018 Ghana 1 Swimming 2018 Sweden 2 Swimming 2018 Costa Rica 3 Swimming 2018 Jordan 1 Sprint 2018 Thailand 2 Sprint 2018 Finland 3 Sprint 2018 Myanmar 1 Boxing 2018 Peru 2 Boxing 2018 Belgium 3 Boxing 2017...
  12. malaygal

    How to parse XML file

    I have an xml file that has the following entries: <Permission> <FormName>MainMenu</FormName> <ControlName>Submit</ControlName> <ControlProperty>Enabled</ControlProperty> <Supervisor xml:space="preserve">TRUE</Supervisor> <EXAMINER xml:space="preserve"> </EXAMINER>...
  13. malaygal

    Locking row from a view

    Need to lock a record after I select it and unlock it (even without updating). I also need to check if record is lock. Been googling this for quite some time now, found some articles on locking row from table but not from a view. When I implement on my view, did not seem to work. BEGIN TRAN...
  14. malaygal

    Sort datagridview with list as datasource

    I have multiple datagridview in my form, each bound to different list (of generic objects). I need to create one routine to sort (thru Column Header Click) of any of these datagridviews. I have a code that hard-code the field of the datasource as: _dsrc.OrderBy(Function(x) CInt(x.ID)).ToList...
  15. malaygal

    ComboBox autocomplete settings

    I set-up the properties of a combobox in design time as follows: DropDownStyle = DropDown AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend AutoCompleteSource = ListItems I do not have an event for this combobox. Works fine, until I make a selection and somehow it triggered a button click, which is a database...
  16. malaygal

    .PerformClick() on open Form

    I have a form (A) that has a hyperlink to an edit form (B). I would like to see the changes reflected on form A, after I have edited the records on form B. I have this code in from B, A.Activate() A.Show() A.btn1.PerformClick() This works, but opens another instance of...
  17. malaygal

    Evaluate Stored procedure parameter using case when else....

    My fault, by not being careful with my pseudo-code, but the problem I am having is evaluating different columns depending on the value of @param3. I believe this will work, .... AND (@param3 is null or col3 = case when @param3 = 1 then 2 else 3...
  18. malaygal

    Evaluate Stored procedure parameter using case when else....

    I am writing a sql server stored procedure that get passed multiple parameters. For one of the parameter, I have this pseudo-code ..... where (@param1 is null or col1 = @param1) and (@param2 is null or col2 = @param2) and (@param3 is null or (case when @param3 = 1 then...

Part and Inventory Search
