your right but this data is later processed up by a program further down the chain which requires it to be in a consecutive order hence the question.
ok apologies .. i ll rephrase
I basically want to reorder the id field so it goes like:
as apposed to what it is right now (see above). I am not sure how I can use an update or an alter command for this operation?
Hope that clears it?
I have a table with 4 rows.. id..xx..yy..zz..
now out of the 4000 rows, some data has been taken out in the
220 shares money casino
221 shares2 penny dollar
225 stock hello moto
229 sucks help me
230 etc eg iou
I am slightly confused as to how I would go about sorting the...
Hi guys . apologies for the delay in response:
command: textfile /opt/bin/emacs
Result: textfile: Command not found
command: ldd /opt/bin/emacs
Result: ldd: /opt/bin/emacs: unsupported or unknown file type
command: ls -l /opt/bin/*emacs*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 5...
As a newbie to sql, this question may be very basic
but I have a view called 'config' and I would like to see which fields it is pulling out without running it (i.e Select * from config)
Additionally I don't know where the .sql files are stored for this view.
Lastly, i have tried sp_help...
a newbie user to unix and have tried to load emacs using emm 'emacs' command
I get this error and have no idea what it means
Any ideas?
Error msg:
Error: 0EXEC cannot find executable for 'emacs' version ''
thanks in advance
i don't actually have the rights to declare a perm. table hence I was using the # syntax to indicate a temp table.
Thanks for the code simonchristieis but the first bit doesnt work for me :(
Do you you mean alphabetical order?
Hi - The cursor below is suppose to copy data from a perm. table into a temp. table then make changes to the data and copy it back into the perm. table
Once in this temp table, I am trying to get the cursor to fill all gaps of column points as this column must be consecutive numbers.
yes I agree id is a poor choice of name.
Anyway thanks for that Simon but on running that all of the ids have the same number from where the deletion takes place
so if i deleted id = 2 where type = type 1 then the rest of ids are turned into 3.
Any ideas? :-s
thanks for all your input guys / girls
Something I should have mentioned before is that id field is not used to identify unique numbers, which is why I was asking what syntax could I use to delete and update to go through all the rows and update the ids field???
so to expand..there is a...
Thanks for your input SimonSellick .. Though I am not sure how I can use delete and update to go through all the rows (around 3000 rows) and update the ids?
I currently have a table where I have to remove the type1 data (see below)
id type
1 type1
2 type1
3 type1
5 type1
7 type1
8 type2
11 type3
14 type2
15 type2
16 type2
17 type2
Now I have removed the type1 data using
update table statements
but I need to have the...
I have a .dat file that Iam accessing using unix / SQL:
File format is:
Row 1 Row2 Row3 Row4
x y w d
x t w d
x y w 5
I need to swap the data in row4 and row1 with each other .. the fields are defined as digits but of...
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