Hi !
I uploaded my own web host using the iis windows xp host server.
i wrote a text file using html syntax to write my personal details at the bottom of my web page, calling this file: "mydetails.txt"[i].
Than' at the bottom of my web page (called [i]"index.html") i call that text file using...
Hi !
I can decide what colours would my links be using the "body" tag, "link" "alink" and "vlink" attributes.
What if i want each link to have different colours ? Is it possible to do in HTML ?
Thanks !
Thank you in the first place.
But, could you make your notification more detailed ?
What language is that script ? Is it html ? Because i never used that kind of synthax in html.
And thanks again.
Hi !
I'm having a table in my html page. Above the table: a banner.
Clicking on an item of that banner should upload a new table.
I want the new table to upload but the banner and the rest of the page, except the table to remain.
Is it possible to delete a table and make a new one instead ? What...
Hi krishnarjunaro !
Thank you first.
I did start learning PHP till I encountered the most "unclipper" difficulty. I wanted to work with database, downloaded "Mysql" and both PHP and MySql didnt match and i couldnt make them work together.
See why i miss so much Clipper ?
I guess this is it . I didnt like VB or ASP and even if i started studying some of those i still will be considrerd "unexperienced".
Difficult decision...
But i'm still gratefull for your enlightment.
Thanks again Stella,
Sorry to have made you search the forum for me, i haven't yet visited it because i'm still not a vfp programmer and i didn't think i would understand anything there.
I'm from Israel and "dot.net" is what people generally use here. I learnt vb in the past and asp but i...
Thanks Stella,
If you could recommend which version of VFP i shuld use and where i can get a tutorial (if it exists in the internet) I would be even more gratefull.
with "Clipper" thinking this language had been "gone" but now, having found this forum, i see that it is still "living and kicking".
I hope someone will bother answering me the following questions:
Can "Clipper" be used for Internet apps ? (like c++ server side apps). Is it a great problem or...
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