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Search results for query: *

  1. Swamphen

    Servlet processing progress feedback

    Thanks for the tip. For now, I'm still trying to make the tool into a Java application, so the JSP approach won't work for me. But I guess I indeed can do something similar. It (only) now occurs to me that probably most progress bars work the way you described (stepwise increase of progress...
  2. Swamphen

    Servlet processing progress feedback

    Dear Tek-tippers, I'm still very ignorant when it comes to client-server Java programming. So forgive me if I'm asking basic questions. What is the short-term goal? Upload rather large XML files to the Tomcat server, parse them using JDOM, convert the XML elements to Java objects and write...
  3. Swamphen

    SAXBuilder + ServletInputStream

    Thanks all, indeed it is possible to just read from the ServletInputStream. Just as suggested, I had some extra characters preceeding the actual XML part and this caused the error. For debugging I now read the HttpServletRequests InputStream (the ServletInputStream) at server side (in...
  4. Swamphen

    SAXBuilder + ServletInputStream

    Dear all, I try to build a JDOM Document with a ServletInputStream as argument, but stumble upon a JDOMParseException. The code that produces the error is: ServletInputStream inputStream = request.getInputStream(); SaxBuilder builder = new SaxBuilder(); builder.build(inputStream); The...
  5. Swamphen

    Weird Hashtable problem

    OK. I did sleep to little. My apologies. I got a NullPointerException when trying to get the Hashtable Object associated with a key equal to the first letter of some string. And by watching the Hashtable variable in the debugger I got the impression that when constructing the Hashtable some...
  6. Swamphen

    Weird Hashtable problem

    When I try to initialize my hashtable by doing: ///////////start code//////////////////////// Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable.put("H",new Integer(0)); hashtable.put("C",new Integer(0)); hashtable.put("0",new Integer(0))...
  7. Swamphen

    Does a standard "help library" exist?

    Thank you very much. Although it probably doesn't look like it, I actually did try my best to find something on the web before I asked the question here. The problem is I searched for "help java" and "help java library" instead of "java help". Greetings, Swamphen
  8. Swamphen

    Does a standard "help library" exist?

    Hello, I've written a small application and I want a tutorial to be accessible via the Help menu. I was wondering if there are Java libraries for making user-friendly, easily browsable tutorials? Thanks a lot, Swamphen
  9. Swamphen

    Using Perl to access Excel File

    You may or may not have noticed that using "my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open($filename);" apparently works fine. Where do you find a list of the functions to be called on the OLE objects and their syntax? I suppose this can't be found with perldoc. Greetings, Swamphen
  10. Swamphen

    Class holding a modifiable image

    A quick scroll through the JAI guide shows me that this package will indeed suit my needs. Thanks a lot. Swamphen
  11. Swamphen

    Class holding a modifiable image

    I hope I can explain this right: I'd like to have a class that creates an image based on a not-modifiable image core. More concrete: I want to show a 3D graph of a molecule, where the molecule skeleton is always the same, but the identity of the side chains can change based on the information...
  12. Swamphen

    How to create a JPanel with the same size as its JTabbedPane container

    The answer was quite silly. I didn't realize the JTabbedPane consisted of an instance of a special JPanel subclass. And that special JPanel contained an ordinary JPanel, which contained the abovementioned components. Mea culpa. Swamphen
  13. Swamphen

    Call subroutine within subroutine

    Well, it would help if you actually made a call to SOME_OTHER_ROUTINE. If you do that, you will see that the time will be printed twice. Greetings, Swamphen
  14. Swamphen

    How to create a JPanel with the same size as its JTabbedPane container

    The layout of my GUI contains - a JFrame with GridBagLayout - this JFrame contains a JInternalFrame and a JTabbedPane (JInternalFrame has gridwidth 2 and JTabbedPane gridwidth 1) - The JTabbedPane contains a JPanel for each tab and these JPanels have GridBagLayouts and contain various...
  15. Swamphen

    How do I recover my MBR?

    Problem +/- solved ------------------ What did I do? 1) With my drive (ie not the lent harddrive with Win98) as master drive I did chronologically: A. Boot to linux with linux boot floppy (this didn't work with the lent drive as master drive and my drive as slave drive). B. "lilo...
  16. Swamphen

    How do I recover my MBR?

    The BootMagic program isn't of much help. So, once I will have to return the other hard drive, I will not be able to start Win 2000 any more. I am really in need of ideas here... Swamphen
  17. Swamphen

    How can I regain access to the BIOS Setup

    I'm really greatful for all your help, but I already found the solution. It is actually a quite embarrasing solution: - When the bootmessage "Pres Delete to enter BIOS Setup" comes it is actually already too late to press the Delete key. If I press the Delete key from the start of...
  18. Swamphen

    How do I recover my MBR?

    * First your question: - what do you mean by this? Is LILO working now? No, I can change it in the BIOS Setup. * Then the chronological actions I've taken so far: - I noticed my Win2KPro Installation CD wasn't autobootable and could only be used inside a Windows-environment (so, not DOS)...
  19. Swamphen

    How do I recover my MBR?

    1) Your disbelief of my BIOS failure made me try even harder to press on the Delete button (which is proposed while booting) and this worked. I just hadn't pressed it long enough or at the right time. Silly, really. But thanks a lot for being sceptical! 2) If you mean that I should use the...
  20. Swamphen

    How can I regain access to the BIOS Setup

    When I startup my computer I get the message: * press Delete to enter BIOS Setup But pressing Delete doesn't do anything. This started after overwriting the MBR of my harddrive with LiLo. Now I'm using another hard drive as a master drive and the drive with the MBR overwritten is now a...

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