I am using the WinInet function InternetReadFile to download a website to memory, but is there anyway of finding out the size of a website before downloading it so that you know how much memory to allocate.
Grant McConville
I have been using Delphi for a few years now and one thing I have never been able to do is create a string which is actually part of another string
String1 := 'This is my program';
SetLength(String2, 2);
Addr(String2) := Addr(String1 + 5);
So therefor String2...
Just one of those strange things, if does this in Microsoft Excel, although I haven't really seen it anywhere else. I am using this as an autocomplete system, and although there are other ways to do it, it annoys me when can't do things exactly as I wanted. I shall just have to admit defeat...
Any one have any idea on how to select an area of text in a TEdit and have the cursor at the beginning of the selection.
TEdit.Text := 'Delphi Rules';
TEdit.SelStart := 7;
TEdit.SelLength := 5;
TEdit should now display 'Delphi Rules' with the last word selected (or something close to...
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