The only column that is the same is 'UPDATE_TS' which is the last time the row was updated. There are no matches between the lecturer table and the attendance table in this column.
Here is the complete code. I do have a table named lecturer. If they aren't joined properly, how can I fix it so they are properly joined? Thanks.
select attendance.student_id as "StudentID", substr(student_fname,1,1) || '-' || student_lname as "Name",
company_name as "Comany_Name"...
When I put that int othe where command below, it will return the count as 6, instead of 1 since there are 6 null fields. It will than cause the total to be 6 for the count of the number of courses taken, and 6*amount_paid for the sum. I only want it to compare to the minimum date_hired...
I am inserting this into my SQL command and it is making my formula redundant since there are 6 null rows. How do I do this so it will only use one the min date_hired field where there is a null date_released field?
lecturer.date_hired < (select min(attendance.regstrn_made_date) from...
I need a query that will select only those student IDs with an average amount_paid less than 650. So far I have this written out and it works for returning the data with the criteria given. What would I add to only select where the student_id is less than 650? I have been working on this for...
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