Sorry, I had some trouble getting on the computer. It worked fine thanks, apparently it just didnt' work because I was on Firefox at the time. On a different system it worked fine though...
You can put an end to any life, but you can never put an end...
I was looking for a free place online to put my web page and add a message board. I found this site called that had alot of what I was looking for, and it was free. Does anyone know if there is some catch involved with this. I really want to get my site running, but I don't have the...
What code do you need to put a different cusor on a webpage when people enter it?
You can put an end to any life, but you can never put an end to death.
Yeah, but can you help me out with my movie button problem. That is driving me crazy! I have searched everywhere for some answer, and nothing will work for me! It would mean alot if I could use it on my web page...
You can put an end to any life, but...
Is there anyone who can help me out on this, it won't work no matter what I do. It has nothing to do with the name or location or code. Someone please help me out!!!
You can put an end to any life, but you can never put an end to death.
Never mind, I figured out how to change the code enough to work, <embed src="BGmusic.wma" loop=infinite autostart=true width=0 height=0>. Thanks anyways.
You can put an end to any life, but you can never put an end to death.
I am trying to place some background music into my page, the code is <embed src="BGmusic.wma" loop=infinite autostart=true hidden=true> but every time I enter the hidden=true part it won't play at all. But then when I take it out I have a huge screen in the middle of my page, though the music is...
No, that didn't change anything. The problem is still there.
You can put an end to any life, but you can never put an end to death.
Just in case it helps at all this is the message that comes up instead of the movie clip.
----Windows Media Player cannot find the specified file. Be sure the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file does not exist at the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored is...
I know for a fact it is not a path problem, but it is
<a href="opening.wmv">DDDDDDDDDD</a>
ignore the button name though, I was just experimenting with buttons. Like I said, the movie window opens, but it won't play a movie. It keeps telling me it...
Okay, I figured out that the extension is WMV, but when I try to click on the button it opens the screen, but then it says that it can't find the movie clip. I don't know what to do, I really want to put these movie clips in, but it won't work. I know the connection is right and everything is...
What is the file extension for a windows video clip? I am trying to make a button to go to the video clip with <a href src="video. "> but I don't know what the end of the file name is.
I just started taking all sorts of classes in web design, but I need help and my teacher can't help me out. What is the code to make a message board? Someone please help out a newbe, I don't want to put up my first sight without adding a MB. I use html to right out most of my sights code. But...
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