While executing a Access Application/Program, records are inserted into a table. This from a MS Access program to a SQL Server database (backend). The following INSERT statement was executed:
INSERT INTO table_Import (RecordID, Ctrlno, [Check], CheckDate, Total, ImportDate, Side) VALUES...
While executing a Access Application/Program, records are inserted into a table. The following INSERT statement was executed:
INSERT INTO table_Import (RecordID, Ctrlno, [Check], CheckDate, Total, ImportDate, Side) VALUES ('3269BEA39C804C15822D826C55F5DAC2', '200605220997', '5006', #5/22/2006#...
Is it possible to import data (dbase or text type)from Access front end into tables linked to the MS SQL Server? When tables were linked to a Access backend, this work properly with no error messages. Basicly data is being input to the temporary table correctly, but one error I'm...
My superviser asked me tell him why I would use ORACLE or why MS SQL Server 2000. If you was asked to remove a system out of MS ACCESS, what do you suggest and why?
In a Access summary query, you can use the following:
First(Date) or Last(Transaction)
Is there a way of converting these over to a column in a query/view of the SQL Server.
I tried MIN(Date) and MAX(Transaction), but I'm not sure either of these will be the same as the First or Last above.
There must be another way the argument/parameter can be pass to a procedure at the time of execution rather than predetermined since the argument/parameter can change each time it is executed.
For some reason, I was thinking the user would be prompt for the argument rather than giving an error...
In other words, there is no way a user will be a to select records for a criteria of the field that may change each time the procedures is executed.
In Access, the criteria of a field is based on the value entered by the user, not pre-determined This could be = or >= ect.
Thanks for your effort.
The procedure is as follows:
@Entered_MFG CHAR(5),
@EnterBeginning_InvoiceDate datetime,
@EnterEnding_InvoiceDate datetime
Set nocount on
SELECT qryBankMFGInvRmk.[CTRLNO], qryBatchMFGInvoiceSum.MFG,qryBatchMFGInvoiceSum.MinOfInvoiceDate AS InvoiceDate...
Sorry, no message was sent on the last thread. I hit the Enter Key.
After creating the procedure, as follows:
Create Procedure x
@Y datetime
Set nocount off
Select mmm, nnn FROM dbo.ttt
WHERE ttt.date = @Y
Set nocount on
EXEC x 1
You can not tell what happen, no output/result/listing is...
If have created Views of which I assume can be called by an application to create a form or report. I am not sure how this work.
My problem mainly is how to execute a procedure to see/test the output; verifying that the results are acquate.
Can you call Store Produre within a SQL query? I create a procedure for the unknown parameters. I did not include every column in the previous query where the unknow was needed. I only referenced the column/fields neccessary to create the stored procedure as follows:
Please Help!
In Access, you could enter an unknown parameter in the criteria and you will be prompted to enter the unknown value. The following is a sample WHERE:
WHERE (((qryBatchMFGInvoiceSum.MFG) = [Enter MFG Number, 5 positions]) AND ((qryBatchMFGInvoiceSum.MinOfInvoiceDate)...
I realized that in the datediff(dd,GetDate(),A) statement the GetDate() must be the second date; meaning diff(dd,A,GetDate()) was the proper way to get the diference. Otherwise, the number of days will be negative. That is why the [Over 90 Days] field had 0 from the ELSE rather that the THEN...
SELECT TOP 200 qryBatchMFGInvoice.MFG, qryBatchMFGInvoice.INVOICE, qryBatchMFGInvoice.MaxOfInvoiceDate AS InvoiceDate,
qryBatchMFGInvoice.InvoiceStatus, dbo.qryBatchMFGInvoice.SumOfINV_TOTAL AS [Total Invoice]...
Help! SQL Server will not accept filename.SumOfInv_Total as a column name. Nor will it accept column names such as [1 - 30Days] as a valid column. You can not reference as column name use in 'AS' in sum, difference.
SELECT qryBatchMFGInvoice.MFG, qryBatchMFGInvoice.INVOICE...
I want to know if anyone can tell me why the < or > is not accept or call an error in a SELECT statement like the following:
SELECT qryBatchMFGInvoice.MFG, qryBatchMFGInvoice.INVOICE, qryBatchMFGInvoice.MaxOfInvoiceDate AS InvoiceDate, qryBatchMFGInvoice.InvoiceStatus,
qryBatchMFGInvoice.SumOfINV_TOTAL AS [Total Invoice], qryBankMFGInvoice.SumOfINV_TOTAL AS [Total Paid]...
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