HALLELUIAH!!! It worked like a champ!
Tom and Roy, Thanks so much for your assistance! This Tek-Tips site is a great thing and your experience and expertise are GREATLY appreciated by those of us who are code-challenged!
Thanks again!
The AddField function I'm using uses Select Case for each data type. Percent is not one of the data types in the function. I tried it anyway and it errored out at the function.
Thanks, Tom! It didn't work, I think because my code is probably a little (a lot) rudimentary. I'm running the update in an execute query. I included the FORMAT portion in the only manner that it would be accepted by the system and it ran, but the field did not populate at all (see below)...
Any assistance would be TRULY appreciated!
In Access, I am creating a new field in vba that is a double-precision data type, but have yet to find some good code that shows how to set the field format to PERCENT (preferably 2 decimals) - after the field has been created. Any suggestions?
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