I've got it working now, But don't know why. Just deleted the entire directory and started over. I think my .swf file didn't upload to the server properly the first time or it wasn't in the correct path. Thanks! :)
I've got it working now, But don't know why. Just deleted the entire directory and started over. I think my swf didn't upload to the server properly the first time or something. Thanks guys :)
I'm having trouple with macromedia flash movies. I'm running apache1.3.20 on solaris8/x86. The MIME entries for flash were in mime.types by default. When viewing the page however, the images (1 jpeg, a button, and an MC) appear, but the page seems never to finish loading and none of...
I'm having trouple with macromedia flash movies. I'm running apache1.3.20 on solaris8/x86. The MIME entries for flash were in mime.types by default. When viewing the page however, the images (1 jpeg, a button, and an MC) appear, but the page seems never to finish loading and none of...
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