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  • Congratulations Chris Miller on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  • Users: iluvperl
  • Order by date
  1. iluvperl

    very quick and easy question!

    I usually use PSP to resize images because it's a million times faster (less menus, resize prompts remember last used information, etc) but it timed out. Now I'm using PS CS2. My question is, is it possible for me to set an option where when I resize an image it'll keep the last used settings...
  2. iluvperl

    trying to JOIN 2 tables together on SELECT

    I need help from someone who's familiar with MySQL (and hopefully Perl), more specifically JOIN statements where I can SELECT from two separate tables completely inside one statement. I have 2 tables (engines, special_fields) and the fields that are identical between them are engines.name and...
  3. iluvperl

    my first attempt at Perl mysql JOIN query

    I need help from someone who's familiar with Perl AND MySQL, more specifically JOIN statements where I can SELECT from two separate tables completely inside one statement. I have 2 tables (engines, special_fields) and the fields that are identical between them are engines.name and...
  4. iluvperl

    basic row count question

    I need to know how many rows are returned that satisfy my query. my $data = qq(SELECT search, engine, time FROM searches WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY)) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time)); I need to know how many rows will be the result of this. The thing is, I am doing...
  5. iluvperl

    another perl mysql question with sth-&gt;fetch

    my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbase", $mysql_user, $mysql_pass) or print DBI->errstr; my $data = qq(SELECT search, engine, time FROM searches WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= time); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($data); $sth->execute() or die $dbh->errstr; my ($search, $engine...
  6. iluvperl

    perl mysql problem with NOW()

    Thank you Brian, that worked!
  7. iluvperl

    perl mysql problem with NOW()

    use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbase", $mysql_user, $mysql_pass) o +r print DBI->errstr; my $data = qq(INSERT INTO searches (search, engine, time) values(?,? +,?)); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($data); $sth->execute("$search", "$engine", NOW()); It says NOW() is an undefined...
  8. iluvperl

    how to match text with google ads?

    Foam and Chris both get stars for this one :) I never thought of right clicking the iframe's source, that's a neat trick. Thanks everyone!
  9. iluvperl

    how to match text with google ads?

    Thanks. You were right about the font and I have it matching the normal text now but I can't match the TITLE text. The link font I use is either too big or too small, I can't seem to match it up. Any ideas on what size to make it?
  10. iluvperl

    how to match text with google ads?

    Anyone familiar with matching their text and links with google ads? http://www.spyderscripts.com/ads/ads.html The top one is the ad, the rest are my links and text I want to match identically. I can't put my finger on it but the fonts or the sizes between their ads and my text aren't...
  11. iluvperl

    picture loads for ME but not the site owner

    3 of us all tested it in IE and FF, including the site owner. She could not see it in either browser while the rest of us could see it in both
  12. iluvperl

    picture loads for ME but not the site owner

    I have the toolbar installed but I wouldn't know what to look for to debug this. Not only does she NOT see the third image but the image CODE isn't in her source code VIEW-SOURCE. I see it in the source code and on screen but she can't even see the missing image in the source code.
  13. iluvperl

    picture loads for ME but not the site owner

    Hi everyone. Posting this for a friend of mine (it's her site). http://www.sudsandwicks.com/newsite/SAWtemplatetables.html There should be three tables in the main section and each of the three should have an image inside them. I see all 3 images, a friend of ours sees all 3 images (in both...
  14. iluvperl

    javascript link to open window without toolbars

    I forgot to mention that I need this to work inside link code already, I can't have a loaded or external JavaScript. I know this can all be done with a single link code but I can't remember where I found it
  15. iluvperl

    javascript link to open window without toolbars

    I'm sure you get asked this a lot but I need a JS link code that will open a page without toolbars, scrollbars on auto (if possible) and where I can preset the height and width of the window. Is it also possible to pass a TITLE param onto a window? Or is that not possible at all?
  16. iluvperl

    Another alignment problem

    Can someone go to http://www.spyderscripts.com/scripts/10.shtml and look at the 2 demo and download buttons on the bottom? I need the two buttons side by side and I can't figure out what's wrong. I always have problems with PayPal buttons like this.
  17. iluvperl

    Removing every other character from lines

    <rant> I come from a community that believes posting without error checking is fine. If the solution gives the user the right method to go about things but errors out due to a little problem (typo, no semi colon, forget to terminate and endless loop), that's not the point. You helped them by...
  18. iluvperl

    Changing URLs to Links

    There's a lot of logic flaws with that one though. It's just enough to get you started. It won't pickup mailto: links and appears to only pick up links that start with http. You need to also look for www. urls, https, etc.
  19. iluvperl

    Removing every other character from lines

    Why not just? s/\s{2}//g;?
  20. iluvperl

    how to set cellpadding

    Working on the 5th version of my new template (still having problems getting it to work). The designer I hired set it up so I can't add the needed cellpadding. You can look http://www.spyderscripts.com/newtemplate/3/ The content section, as you can see, is on the side of the bar to it's left...

Part and Inventory Search
