Based on what I've read and been told to date, doing a commit should clear the log files. So, I'm trying to do a limited number of deletes between commit statements. After increasing my number of primary log files to 50 x 50000, my latest delete script has been running for over 5hrs and...
My simplistic script does a commit after deleting each days worth of records... as stated in my post. The script consists of 31 deletes and 31 commits...
Delete from mytable where month=<targetMonth> and day=1;
Delete from mytable where month=<targetMonth> and day=2;
.... etc...
Hi all,
I have "some" OJT in DB2 v7.2 and have to support a db that collects about 100 million records a month. We don't have the disk space to keep all of this data so I have to delete records where Month(datefield) = Month(Current Date) - 2.
I created a very simplistic script that deletes...
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