Ok.Thanks.By the way how can i do a next of a linkedlist and return the value?
Like this:
Ok.What im trying to do is a linkedlist of an integer values.I have:
private static LinkedList sentidos= new LinkedList();
for (int i=0;i<8;i++) sentidos.add(new Integer(i));
Now i want to check if the index of the linkedlist has the integer 0 for example.
Hi.I want to return a value inside of a LinkedList with the method get,i have:
this.sentidoActual =(int)sentidos.get(8);
sentidoActual is a integer and when i do that i receive the following error:
"Formiga.java": inconvertible types; found : java.lang.Object, required: int at line 23...
i have a combo that selects the field and a textedit that set the text to find.In the combo i have fields of type string and integer and want to do a partial search.
So i need more than one parameter and when a field is selected by the combobox the others are set to null.
But for some reason...
hi i have the sql query :
select * from cliente
where nome like :pnome or :pnome is null
pnome is a parameter and when i go to the parameters strings i have 2 parameters not one,why??
hi i have a simple adoquery and a filter like this:
if combo.text='Nome' then
dm.Qry_clientesP.Filter:='Nome like'+texto.Text
texto is a editbox
when i do that tells me that the arguments are of incorrect type or out of range or in conflit with the others.
Hi again.i think that in adoquery the null function doesnt seems to work.(sql server 2000)
Now i have :
select "bla bla bla"
where nome like :param1 or :param1 is null
and nothing happens when param1 is null
Hi .I have a locate to a query like this:
if vendas_em_divida.Locate('IDVenda',qry_vendasidvenda.Value,[])=true then
and for some reason the message is not displayed.The sintax is correct and i have in vendas_em_divida the value...
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