I`m new here but maybe my experiences will help you.
I´m owner of an old 1850R which I equipped with a noname PCI-USB2.0 card (4x ext / 2xint )got via ebay for a few bucks. After having a test installed XP also Server2003 there was a autodetect of the card ( ALI chipset )and easy to use...
I got a Proliant 1850R with 2x PII-450, 2x 18,2G and 512MB RAM. I think the BX-mainboard is able to use faster CPU´s. But there is no information about the VRM´s. Actually there are 2V types in and the limit is up to 600MHz Katmai-PIII processors. Newer ones ( Coppermines ) only use 1.65V and...
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