It's ugly....
Table 1: Training Info
MemberID Hospital Units_earned
32 RMH 4
32 Vincents 3
33 Vincents 6
33 RMH 2
Table 2: Name
MemberID Full_Name etc...
32 John Smith
33 Susie Brown
34 Joe Blow [this is a...
Thanks so much for responding, MisterMo. Unfortunately your solution doesn't work. I've tried what you suggested just now and previously tried every which way using new groups. The problem is that I have to show all the details. When I add in the Trainers in a Group header, they can have...
Hi (apologies if this message appears twice - it disappeared half way thru typing so I'm trying again)
I have unique field information in my Group Header (Member.ID, Member.Name, etc) and then the Details list all Hospitals and Units earned. The Group footer has a summary of units earned.
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