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Search results for query: *

  1. Andrzejek

    run-tune error 3704 operation is not allowed when the object is codes: I don't think so.

    I assume you have Option Explicit at the top of your code and all your variables (sConnect, rsData, etc.) are declared somewhere, right?
  2. Andrzejek

    difficult to crteate a query very complicated

    sal21 / 2009luca, Based on the code strongm provided, you should be able to modify his code to get what you need.
  3. Andrzejek

    difficult to crteate a query very complicated

    Any example(s) of your attempt(s) to create this query? Show your work.
  4. Andrzejek


    There is Microsoft: Access Other topics forum, if that's what you are looking for...
  5. Andrzejek

    Outlook Template replace text

    strongm, I will give it a shot and report back As a side note, I've just got the message that my original code started working all of the sudden. Everybody is surprised (me included) and they (users) give me a credit for fixing it (I will take it :) Who knows what had happened? Gremlins? Edit -...
  6. Andrzejek

    Outlook Template replace text

    Nice progress, thank you combo Your suggestion works - I had to replace some constants since I use Late Binding (wdReplaceAll = 2, wdFindContinue = 1) and I need to eliminate some extra code Option Explicit Sub outlookmail() 'Use the code from...
  7. Andrzejek

    Outlook Template replace text

    Interesting code, combo Tried this: With olEmail .BodyFormat = olFormatRichText Set olInsp = .GetInspector Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor Set oRng = wdDoc.Range oRng.Collapse 1 'oRng.Text = "Dear someone," & vbCr oRng.Text = Replace(oRng.Text, "@PrimaryPhaseNumber@"...
  8. Andrzejek

    Outlook Template replace text

    To show the 'Before' and 'After' shots maybe will explain better. and after running some text replacement: I may try to persuade them to use just simple text, but it would be nice to do it right.
  9. Andrzejek

    Outlook Template replace text

    I can deal with the plain text, but those Templates were done in Rich Text with all Bolds, Italics, tables (rows and columns, cells, etc.)
  10. Andrzejek

    Outlook Template replace text

    A user has an Outlook Template (*.oft file) formatted as Rich Text where they have some text they would like to replace with the data from the data base (instead of typing or copy-n-paste). So I set the text in the Template that needs to be replaced matching the fields in the data base., i.e...
  11. Andrzejek

    Office 2000 XL

    You mean like in the picture below? If so, those are Worksheets' Names
  12. Andrzejek

    SSMS question

    I have SQL Server Management Studio and most of what I do I can manage (pun intended). When I run CREATE TABLE everything seams to be OK, and when I right-click on my new table and do “Select top 1000 Rows”, the basic Select SQL shows up and works just fine, but – all fields and the...
  13. Andrzejek

    What has happened here to Tek-Tips??

    I share your pain: new and (not necessarily) improved TT site. And what happened to testing before deploying? Was is done at all? [banghead]
  14. Andrzejek

    Application.FileSearch replacement

    So it looks like your code and logic works, it just takes a LOT longer in production than it takes you in your 'sandbox' because of the number of files. Is that correct? How about my original suggestion:
  15. Andrzejek

    Grid From

    And I would move this one line for Caption outside the If-Then-Else: If ctl.Name Like "cmdOrder*" Then ctl.Visible = True ctl.Caption = DLookup("[cmdCaption]", "tblCmds", "[cmdID]='" & ctl.Name & "'") pic = DLookup("[PhotoURL]", "tblCmds", "[cmdID]='" & ctl.Name & "'") If...
  16. Andrzejek

    Grid From

    One way would be (and that would me my preferred way) to not allow NULL or empty PhotoURL field in tblCmds table. Other way: pic = DLookup("[PhotoURL]", "tblCmds", "[cmdID]='" & ctl.Name & "'") If IsNull(pic) or pic & "" = "" Then 'Do something Else ctl.Picture = pic End If
  17. Andrzejek

    Application.FileSearch replacement

    13 folders with 180,000 each, that would make your app run for about 6 hours Aside from coding, could you paint a picture of what needs to be accomplished, what do anybody needs this functionality for? Hopefully these 13 folders are NOT filled with 1000's of files on regular basis. Maybe...
  18. Andrzejek

    Grid From

    With: ctl.Picture = DLookup(... what do you get from your DLookup? Is it just the name of the file, like MyPicture.bmp? Or full path with file name, like C:\SomeFolder\Images\MyPicture.bmp?
  19. Andrzejek


    Thank you for the hints how to operate in TT now Let me try to insert an image (with other 'problem') - my "Stay logged in" is always checked, even if I un-check it every time...
  20. Andrzejek


    And even thou I have read all posts in the Forum, they still show up in BOLD and with NEW icon next to them. Also, tried to add an Image to the post using the little icon Insert Image(Ctrl-P), but 2 steps after that the page stopped responding, no error, no message what I did wrong, any click...

Part and Inventory Search
