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  1. olchik

    REcaptcha doesn't work in Chrome and Firefox

    Hello, I have found source code for recaptcha and try to deploy it in my suggestionform in COld Fusion. It works OK in IE, but doesn't work in Firefox and Chrome. Does anybpdy know how can I fix it? Thank you ver much
  2. olchik

    ReCaptcha: how to keep information after form refreshes

    Hello, Thank you for your response. I was away for last 2 weeks. Getting back is not easy and I have to say I don't understand anything. Is there any other way to retain value when form refreshes? Thank you
  3. olchik

    ReCaptcha: how to keep information after form refreshes

    I am not good at JavaScript:-( I don't know how to to that
  4. olchik

    ReCaptcha: how to keep information after form refreshes

    Thank you again! Here is the function function ShowReg2(op) { document.getElementById('Report a bug').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('Complaint').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('Compliment').style.display='none'...
  5. olchik

    ReCaptcha: how to keep information after form refreshes

    Hello, thank you for your response! Here is the code <select id="feedbacktype" name="feedbacktype" onChange="ShowReg2(this.selectedIndex)"> <option value='0'> -- select-- <option value="Report a bug" <cfif IsDefined("form.recaptcha")> <cfif #form.recaptcha# is false><cfif...
  6. olchik

    ReCaptcha: how to keep information after form refreshes

    Hello, I am trying to add ReCaptcha to my form. If someone enters wrong words or nothing at all in reCaptcha field, form refreshes itself. Everything is working fine, except two dynamic fields. I have two fields that appear if someone selects certain selection from dropdowns. I was able to...
  7. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    I have got it to work:-) I did put in wrong place, that's why it didn't give me the right output. Now I will work on preventing to submit if the value is false. Thank you for your help. I might bother you again on this:-) You are always a BIG help. I really appreciate it!
  8. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    This form submits to itself... I have this on the top <cfif isDefined("form.entrydate")> <cfquery datasource="ASME2" name="insert"> INSERT INTO wsfeedback (entrydate, firstname, lastname, member_id) VALUES (#Now()#, '#form.firstname#', '#form.lastname#', '#form.member_id#')...
  9. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <!--- recaptcha code---> <cf_recaptcha action="check" privateKey="6Ld7l7oSAAAAANeJkL7MGfEgB6AVYo7QHVXFkgaG" publicKey="6Ld7l7oSAAAAAOxY9FHq-vpjMHh9IMARx04-8U-l"> <cfform method="post" action="feedbackform.cfm" name="form" onSubmit="return...
  10. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    This is the whole form, I have put output for captcha on test.cfm <cfif isDefined("form.entrydate")> <cfquery datasource="ASME2" name="insert"> INSERT INTO wsfeedback (entrydate, refurl, reftitle, email, feedbacktype, feedbackregard, <cfif...
  11. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    form.recaptcha isn't showing. When I tried to put it on auction page, it gives me "Element RECAPTCHA is undefined in FORM" error
  12. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    Yes, it is enclosed in <cfform> I don't know how to check the boolean flag. Could you please help me with it?
  13. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    I just need it to prevent from being submitted if the value is bad, but I don't know how to do it:-( When I used Captcha (javascript source code) I just inserted it and it worked. I didn't have to add anything to it. But I was said Captcha is not good enough and I need to use reCaptcha, but I...
  14. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    I am not looking for anything else. It just doesn't work for me and I don't know what am I doing wrong. He is a custom tag itself.... <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true"> <cfscript> CHALLENGE_URL = "http://api.recaptcha.net"; SSL_CHALLENGE_URL = "https://api-secure.recaptcha.net"...
  15. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    hmmm...so this validation is the only thing that I need to add for this code to work? Everything else looks fine?
  16. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    I understand that part. I can validate against empty field, but it also submits if I enter anything. How do I validate against random text? Thank you
  17. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    Hello, thank you for your response. Here is the code. It lets me submit without entering anything in reCaptcha field. <cf_recaptcha action="check" privateKey="6Ld7l7oSAAAAANeJkL7MGfEgB6AVYo7QHVXFkgaG" publicKey="6Ld7l7oSAAAAAOxY9FHq-vpjMHh9IMARx04-8U-l"> <cfif...
  18. olchik

    How to use reCaptcha in Cold Fusion form?

    Hello, does anybody know how to use reCaptcha in CF form? I have found source code for CF but I cannot get it to work. If anybody knows how, please help... Thank you
  19. olchik

    CFINPUT VALIDATION IN ColdFusion 8 doesn't work

    Oh...I just tried my page with staging.asmeconferences.org instead of IP address and it works! Before IT upgraded development server to CF8, I have used IP address and it worked fine. Now, after upgrade, I just have to use name and not IP. Thank you very much for helping me!
  20. olchik

    CFINPUT VALIDATION IN ColdFusion 8 doesn't work

    Hi again, I have asked IT and they told me I have used wrong URL. http://staging.asmeconferences.org/CFIDE/scripts/cfform.js It didn't give me 404 error It gave me something like... /*ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: Adobe...

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