How do I find out maximum width occupied by a value in a column in an XL sheet? I dont have specs(lengths of fields) to build a table, I'm manually evaluating each column length by going through data in the xl sheet.
Sorry if this is not the C forum, but couldn't find C only C++.
I have procedures where the first two parameters are alternates, i.e.values must be supplied for
param1, param3, param4, etc
param2, param3, param4, etc
However I need to call some of these routines from some legacy C code...
it worked finally!
But just one thng how do I replace special characters.
Do I have to copy them from xl sheet and paste in my script below..
is there any automated way of removing any special characters?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
For x = 0 To 9...
)I right clicked on sheet1 and wrote this macro.
2)I came to XL sheet, clicked record new macro by giving name Macro1
3)i stopped macro recording
4)i ran the macro but
nothing has happened. Tell me is it something wrong on what Iam doing.
This is same I ve been doing from yesterday night but was...
Thanks very much for all the pointers.
I am attaching my xl sheet with just the only column I require.
FIRST_NAME has got digits,quotes,dots,special characters etc, I need to remove them and have only characters from A to Z(first_name obviously does not contain letters other than A to Z )...
I copied the source you sent but dont know what to do next.
Iam just failing to save as macro and run it further.
Just new to XL sheet modifying.....
Can you tell me what to do once after I paste that script?
I have an XL sheet with 6 fields..Im converting xl into a table.
Among 6fields, 2 fields have problem i.e. first name(field3) and last name(field4) have got special characters & digits & quotes & slashes & #...
I got to remove them & should have only alphabets from A to Z in first & last...
I'm quite new to XML and maybe there is a chance that I do not fully understand the way I am supposed to do this.
I generate a XML-Schema and puts it in another project. When I generate the schema I get following
Character field sample
<xsd:element name="FIELD1">...
We are converting data files and we want to test invalid numeric data errors in our converted files. What is the best way to do so? Is there any scalar function that returns NULL if the content of a numeric field is invalid?
Thanks in advance for your help
Order number 2001
Item number 000001
Quantity 20
Category 0
Sub category 0
TableB Row Row
Item number 000001 000001
Category 0001 0094
Sub category 0010 0026
TableC would contain the following rows...
Morning all
I am giving myself a headache in trying to solve a problem with SQL I've tried looking through the archives, but I am not really too sure what I am looking for.
Anyway, if anyone can help me,
The problem is as follows:-
I have 2 files, in their simplistic form FileA Order number...
HI I am used to doing a subfile update having the user place an X next to the line they want to update and then displaying this record on a separate screen, allowing the update.
Now I have to allow them to directly change the data on the line I am not sure of the code sequence.
How to dermine the (string) length of this declaration:
// File Name object
D fileNamex S O Class(*JAVA:'java.lang.String')
// trimmed File Name object
D tfileName S O Class(*JAVA:'java.lang.String')
This isn't so much a question but more like a "what the?!".
If I have the float value "3.4173900000000001E+000" and issue a "ROUND( 3.4173900000000001E+000, 2 )", I get (drum roll) 3.4199999999999999E+000.
Cast as a dec with 2 decimal places and viola! You get 3.41739 rounded to 3.41.
The path and file name is:
All workbooks for salesmen were created in one run and all given a single group-sequence-number (001, in this example) in my control file.
(Each salesman workbook created in the run has it's own unique...
The question:
When running the workbook 'inbound' function, if there's a failure in the "book = HSSF_open(file_name)" loop because a given workbook in the group doesn't exist in the path, then no 'open' works after that even though subsequent workbook(s) in the group do exist. The monitor group...
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