Actually the dates are not outside the range. I need to get this information for each day for every day of the month. I don't want to have to run a separate report for each separate day.
The following the record selection statementin my report.
{HPD:HelpDesk.Assigned To Group+} like "*DC*" and
({HPD:HelpDesk.Create Time}<{?Date} and {HPD:HelpDesk.Status} <> "Closed") or
{HPD:HelpDesk.Assigned To Group+} like "*DC*" and
I need to append a List of Detail Strings into one Line where the first several of the detail Strings are 254 characters long. The field I am working with is a comments field. In the database once the comments text field reaches 254 characters a new comments record is created. I need to...
I misrepresented the data type. In MS SQL the data type is refered to as text with a length of 16. The defintions of the data type is as follows
Variable-length non-Unicode data in the code page of the server and with a maximum length of 231-1 (2,147,483,647) characters. When the server...
Is there any way to display more than 254 characters for a memo field in Crystal Reports? I am working with a Microsoft SQL server and the datatype for the field is 16 char Text field. I a have changed the format so that the field can grow in Crystal but the information is still being...
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