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Search results for query: *

  1. gwrman

    drop, and rebuild table, or delete all rows?

    Good eye ESquared. in the end, the truncate command did the trick/.
  2. gwrman

    Javascript Image Swapping Help

    ajs.js AJS = { BASE_URL: "", drag_obj: null, drag_elm: null, _drop_zones: [], _cur_pos: null, _unloadListeners: function() { if(AJS.listeners) AJS.map(AJS.listeners, function(elm, type, fn) {AJS.removeEventListener(elm, type, fn)}); AJS.listeners = []; }, getElement: function(id) {...
  3. gwrman

    Javascript Image Swapping Help

    THanks for the reply. Since the whole spellchecking feature needs the routines, i cant really eliminate them. (nor do I have the skills to.) For this reason, i'd like to just try to edit what is there
  4. gwrman

    Javascript Image Swapping Help

    I have a button with an image beside it. Onclick, it should switch to another image, then back. View it at my test page http://www.billiardscores.com/ Throw some text in the box, and click the button.....You'll notice that while the spell checker is working, a SECOND image appears. I want it...
  5. gwrman

    layout issue

    hmmm, but would that allow one to wrap under the other, if the content is large enough?
  6. gwrman

    layout issue

    I have a layout issue that i can't seem to work out. Basically, i have a menu on the top right hand side, and content that i wrap around it. (if it is big enough.) The problem is that I want the article content to come BEFORE the menu content when parsing the code from top-down, and I can't seem...
  7. gwrman

    position two unordered lists (horizontal) side-by-side

    I have a div, that houses 2 unordered lists. The lists need to be side by side, but at opposite ends, so that there is a space, if any, in the middle. I've got it looking correct in IE, but FF places the right hand UL one line lower than they left. they need to be on the same line. Here is...
  8. gwrman

    Get value from 1 window in to textarea in another window

    I have a pop-up window where user uploads a file. what is the best way to insert that value in to a textarea in the main page? The textarea has ID="tal
  9. gwrman

    refresh on back button or goBack(-1)

    well- more details on the situation... teh page i want refreshed is actually an iframed page that generates a captcha image. <iframe id="captcha" height="23px" width="86px" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" src="../inc_captcha.asp"></iframe> when the user hits...
  10. gwrman

    refresh on back button or goBack(-1)

    Anyone know of a way to produce Something like the "onclick=history.go(-1)" command, except it would grab a fresh version of the page from the server and not just pull the old page out of the users cache.
  11. gwrman

    Requesting a layout critique please

    thanks, I appreciate the feedback. Also, i've added a test case, where URLs are underlined. do you like it better WITH underlined hyperlinks: http://dev.billiardsforum.info/index-homepage.asp?test=2 or WITHOUT underlined hyperlinks: http://dev.billiardsforum.info/index-homepage.asp thanks...
  12. gwrman

    Requesting a layout critique please

    Hello, I've redone a layout for one of my sites without use of tables. (my first) just the one page please. Among general comments, i'd appreciate comments specifically on color scheme, layout of the various page elements, or any other layout/visual presentation ideas...
  13. gwrman

    Order of code exection of divs?

    yeah, i guess i'm asking that if CSS is for some reason not present, like when being parsed by a search engine, or maybe an old browser, does it generally just read top down?
  14. gwrman

    Order of code exection of divs?

    How does the order of parsing work for div's that are floated? is it just whatever one comes first in the html doc?
  15. gwrman

    Any way to make this xhtml strict compliant?

    wow, thanks, this is perfect. I appreciate it. Weird that i browsed that site for a few hours just yesterday and didnt see this. Thanks again!
  16. gwrman

    Any way to make this xhtml strict compliant?

    I am trying to validate a page that includes an embedded video clip from youtube. Is there any way I can adjust the code they suggest, so that it validates as xhtml strict? <object height="158" width="193"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/pIO4Pxc7eHA"> <param name="wmode"...
  17. gwrman


    Can someone comment on the use of SSIs? Do these place a lot of strain on the server? Also, are "virtual" includes or "file" include directives more efficient?
  18. gwrman

    vbscript variable size, termination of.

    thanks. For the FSO question - what i'm writing are includes. SO - in page.asp i might include a file called someinclude.asp Then, when I add/change data in the DB that pertains to what is in the include file, I rewrite the include file so that it has the fresh info. The filename, however...
  19. gwrman

    vbscript variable size, termination of.

    Three questions... 1) I read that a variable can only be 255 char, is this true, or is this only true of the variable NAME? 2) Is it best-practice to set every declared variable to "nothing" immediately after it is no longer needed? 3) I am using FSO to "publish" updated content to static...
  20. gwrman

    CSS Width differences (ie5/6 and FF)

    thanks - my problem was that I had an xml declaration above teh doctype. (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) This caused problems with IE. It had to go under the doctype. Thanks everyone for the response.

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