Have now discovered the problem. The internet file in the preference folder was currupted in someway. So removing it a creating a new one has solved things. Annoyingly MS does not label the pref. as anything to do with OE. I was assuming that this belomged to Netscape - similar logo.
Thank for the idea, and I have also found this description of error 2, but my problem is how to get around it? I have certainly allocated buckets more memory, but to no avail.
I am still trying to discover where outlook keeps the mail messages. Unlike Netscape they do not appear in the...
Thanks for the idea, but yes. I have even downloaded a slightly later version of OE but that came up with the same error message.
It is not a net connection fault because Mozilla connects without a problem.
I agree that the hard boot often fixes such problems, but not this time.
i use a G4 mac with OS 9.2 For mail and a browser I use Outlook Express 5 together with IE5. Keying in a message early today I received the message that Outlook had quite due to error 2 (whatever that might be). Since then I have not been able to start either OE or IE. Just get the same error...
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