Just checked the Mail Event Logs and it now looks like the mails are going through properly. I'll keep an eye on it just in case.
Thanks very much for your help - this has been a real nightmare and without your help I'd still be pulling my hair out !!
Okay thanks for that I'm obviously getting closer. The email now tries routing to the IP address rather than moving it on to the SMTP server - but I now get an error message in the Mail Event Log, here's the msg:
08.12.2005 10:28:14 AM Router: Message 0033F11E NOT transferred via SMTP to...
I've just created a Foreign SMTP domain document (FSMTPD), with the following entries:
Internet Domain = *sti.comp.com (so any email addressed to sti.comp.com so be routed using this FSTMPD Document)
Domain Name = EXSMTP (I made this up?)
I think the above is okay for the FSMTPD document...
Hi wondering if anyone can help me.
I'm having a problem with emails that should be routed internally. They are htting the Domino server and becuase they are addressed to internet addresses they are being sent to my Outbound SMTP server for delivery, but they should be routed internally.
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