Don't know if this will help. I am a bit of a newbie.
You don't have the shellapi in your uses for the shellexecute command.
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, shellapi, Buttons;
on a button 1 click...
Towerbase, You are absolutely right!
Star awarded.
Steve, You deserves more than a star for walking me through this. I am very grateful. Sorry, I did not answer your last post. I sent a quick post to say thanks when I got your code working then went off-line after jumping around the lounge...
donvittorio, I have to make a confession and offer you my apologies.
I could not get your code to compile. I got missing semi colon
and Undeclared Identifer for getNode, and Parent node. So I tried my best to understand your code being a beginner and all. I honestly did not pick the...
Thanks very much donvittorio for your reply!
I think I did not explain myself very well in my first post. Your code is not 100% what I want, it's close and I am getting ideas from it.
I have been doing some research for the past day and a half and I am posting my latest approach. It still...
I forget to mention I am using Delphi 7
I can add a root and a child node this way but I get 3 root
nodes of games they don't combine so I have 1 root node of games.
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
RootNode : TTreeNode;
RootNode := TreeView1.Items.Add(nil, 'games')...
I fairly new to programming. I did a search for treeview on the forum but could not find or understand what I am trying to do.
I want to be able to add a list of strings to a treeview.
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