I am trying to open a particular form with this query with
Private Sub listboxECN_list_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stCriteria As String
stDocName = "ECN_log"
stCriteria = "[ECN_number]= " & Me!listboxECN_list...
Hi Every one,
Need help urgently with list view. I have successfully created a listview in my form. now I want to use the listview with Dbl_click event to open a certain form with current event. Her e is my code:
Private Sub ctlListView1_DblClick()
Dim currObj As listview
Dim lstItem...
I have problem printing with current record, here is the code that I been using
Private Sub CmdPrintECN_Click()
Dim strReportName As String
Dim strCriteria As String
strReportName = "rptItem"
strCriteria = "[Item_number]='" & Forms!items_log.[Txtitem_number] & "'"...
Hi again,
I am having problem in opening a form and with following query,as I have inner joint in the query and try to open thin thing with a code on click with a button. the filtering is done with item_number on the current form on as I have two tables connected in querry and both have...
hi Guys,
I would like to see a sub report to be formated in my main report. As I have filtered records for my sub report based on a linked field with my main report.
Now I can format the subreport on its own with constant number of lines printed with a funtion called in print event of the...
Thanks you guys, I got it done.
Private Sub Report_Page()
Me.PageFooterSection.Visible = Me.Page < 1 = True
End Sub
istead of "<" I used ">" and it worked fine.
Thanks for all the help.
Hi Guys,
Please help as I am still not able to print the report as I preview it, as I disabled the pagefooter section on pages after first page. One thing I do like to tell you that I do have some subforms on my page footer which do not have any data but just few text labels.
Thanks for help...
How to print the report exactly as you see on preview.
I have a report where In the detail section I have a subreport which is based on a query from the main report. I have page break function in this subreport which inserts a page after 12 records. Secondly, I have a pagefooter, which is...
How to restrict the visibility of a pagefooter section on the second or third page.
As I have a report with a sub report in the detail section. I have limited the number of records in the detail section to 10 records. The first page need information in report header and page footer has some...
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