Thanks, xwb.
I had never run across the "ExecuteGlobal" and "Execute" statement before.
That gives me another option for working around the 512K ".wsf" include file limitation.
Mon, 26 Mar 2007, 2:28 pm EDT
Thanks for the feedback. I do basically run the WSH script as a command-line cscript job.
Part of the reason it is large is lots of comments. If I remove all comments and indenting, it shrinks to about 232 kilobytes.
The ".wsf" wrapper script itself is very modest, only about 1,600 bytes, just...
I saw the reply from EBGreen, which makes me think it's not a VBScript limit, per se.
However, at the following link, Joerg Bouillon wrote on 10 July 2003:
WSH seems to be unable to load WSH-files (and probably others) larger than 512 KB. The error message says something like that: "unable to...
Has anyone ever run into a maximum VBScript script size?
I maintain a script that has gradually grown in size over the last five years.
Today I started to get the following cryptic error.
scriptname.wsf(39, 37) Windows Script Host: Cannot retrieve referenced URL : scriptname.vbs
When I...
Thank you, JohnYingling and tsuji, for your helpful replies.
I don't know which character is giving me trouble yet, and it may end up that it does not matter, but creating the output file as Unicode instead of ASCII cures the runtime error.
I sure appreciate your help, after banging my head...
I like the online documentation and sample code at:
Regards, Bill
Monday, 8 October 2001, 5:20:45pm EST
Following is the code fragment giving me trouble.
' ***** begin fragment *****
Private Const conOverwriteExistingFile = True ' for CreateTextFile & Copy
Private Const conASCIIformat = 0 ' for OpenAsTextStream
set doc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0") ' "Version dependent...
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